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The renew with a new section dedicated to the users of this website.
A discussion forum build on PhpBB platform, with a custom responsive theme.
Have fun!

I made a plugin for CKEditor that can be used to browse images on the server to be picked for inclusion into the editor's contents.
The plugin can be tested and downloaded on this page: CKEditor Free Image Browse Plugin.

An addon for CKEditor, a PHP script to upload images on the server directly from CKEditor, and include them in the editor's contents.
The script and screenshoots are on this page: CKEditor Free Image Uploader Addon.

Another PHP-Ajax script added on A File Manager script, build with PHP and jQuery, to manage directories and files on your server.
The script and screenshoots are to this page: Ajax-PHP File Manager.

- Create new folders.
- Upload multiple files.
- Copy, Cut, Paste, Delete, and Rename Files and Folders on server.
- Edit, Preview and Download file.
- Download directory with all its content into a ZIP archive.
- Support drag and drop files and folders operations, details and thumbnail views, sorting, searching, context menus.
- Toolbar with the most common tasks, and tooltip effect.
- Status bar with folder and file information.

The last application added on this website: SSEP - Site Search Engine PHP-Ajax.
A free Site Search engine script build with PHP and Ajax, that uses MySQL to create and add Search Functionality to Your Web Site.

- Intuitive and easy to use Admin Panel, with a simple adminstration interface, and info mark description to each function.
- Suports both PDO and MySQLi for accessing MySQL databases in PHP.
- Crawl and index web site pages automatically (can follow redirects).
- Option to include subdomains.
- Options to control indexed URLs: by link's Depth, by Maximum number of URLs to crawl, by URL Must-Include, or Must-Exclude "strings".
- Crawl and index the links in the XML Sitemap.
- You can register to Crawl and Index multiple domains.
- Stop words excluded from searches.
- Option to remove parts of the page / HTML elements from being indexed.
- Keeps in the indexed content the text added in the "alt" attribute of the <img> tags (which are outside the removed parts).
- Option to Build XML Sitemap with the indexed pages.
- Easy to translate in other languages.
- The Search results are loaded via Ajax (without refreshing the search page). This option can also be disabled.
- Paginated serch results.
- Option to choose Infinite or Standard pagination.
- Search Suggestions.
- List with last and top searches.
- The search results are ordered by a Score calculated according to the HTML elements in which the searched word is located (Title, Description, H1, Strong, ... and other tags, eaven the URL page address).
- Cache files system for the search results.
- Search Page with valid HTML5 format, and Responsive design (working on Mobile Device too).
- CSS and HTML template easy to customize it, to add new elements in search page, and to change the design.

A platformer game, called Light the Stars , made with Phaser JavaScript framework, which run in html5 canvas element.

New version of the Multiple Drop-Down Select Lists Creator script.
- The text file with data for drop-down select lists is saved with ".json" extension.
- You can add multiple "sets" of drop-down select lists in the same page.
- Method to change the text of the first option in the first pulldown Select.

New PHP script, useful for web masters: SBMD - Simple Backup MySQL Database.
This script creates the backup of the MySQL tables in SQL format and saves it into a ZIP file on server. Also, it can restore the MySQL tables in your database from the SQL backup stored in ZIP archive.
For other details and link to Download it, see the page: ... atabase_s2

A new version of the Multiple Select Dropdown Lists with Ajax: ... ts-ajax_s2
- In this version, the script can be included in ".php" and ".html" pages, so, it can be easily added into the template of a CMS.
- The php code is simplified and returns a JSON object with select list data that is loaded in jvascript and creates the <select> elements.

PHP addon for CKEditor that can be used to upload image and audio file on server. The uploaded file is automatically added in ckeditor content.
Page: ... -upload_s2

A PHP tool to create backups of your website. With this script you can easily backup MySQL Database, Folders and Files.
See it to this page:

PuzzleImg, a script made with JavaScript that can be used to create very easy simple image puzzle games. With this script you can convert existing images in webpage into puzzles, and also you can create puzzle game with an image from external address.
Page with examples and download link: ... ame-script