» JanMolendijkIf Coursesweb have better advice I will follow ?
I`ve decided to continue tinkering with Program O although it is quite outdated. Meight there are...Last post » JanMolendijkMarplo, thanks for the support, it is working now.
» WillATTHi all,
First of all, thank you to this community for giving life to a wonderful place to share & learn about HTML & CSS.
I would like...Last post » WillATTHi MarPlo,
thank you!! That works perfectly. I notice that you also changed the width and height to be 500px instead of the 100% that I had in my...
» MarconistHi members I'm looking for the script for a link <href> to another URL.
I give part of my text and the link as it is now on my page:
and...Last post » MarPloHello,
In your case, put both the text and the link inside the <p> tag.
<p>and there where useful, supplemented with comments, tips...
» MariusIs there a possibility to hide HTML elements if the 'data-' attribute contains a specific piece of text?
For example: Hide the Divs that it's data...Last post » MarPloYou can do this with either CSS or Javascript.
/* with specified elements */
div {
display: none;
/* or global */
display: none;...
» MariusI have a Div that I want to rotate from 0 to 90 stop 2s, then continue from 90 to 180 then stop 2s .., to the 360 degrees.
Any idea of how can I add...Last post » MarPloYou can do that with CSS animations transform: rotate() , like in the example below.
Set the rotation time to 12 seconds and start the 4 'transform'...
» MariusI have designed a html page, but in option tag I have set disabled= true , still it is not disabling the option.
Things I have tried:
disabled=...Last post » AdminThe attribute disabled sets without value (without ='true' ). You need just add this attribute into the options you want disabled.
» JanMolendijkFor weeks i`m buissy with responsive columns, to find out how i can improve it.
First i check for myself, because i do not want to bother you too...Last post » JanMolendijkI almost did not slept for few day`s... & Finaly i found something i share it for the other visitors.
I gonna use flexbox to show data into...
» JanMolendijkI want to moderate my textboxes with icons
for this i have this script but i can`t place 3 icons
meight you could support me... how to do...Last post » JanMolendijkI found an answer to work with classes
» mlucicomOn the page the navbar doesn't have opacity 0 . Can You tell me how can i edit this please ?Last post » AdminSorry, I not know bootstrap.
I can try to help if you post the html and css code with the opacity you have set for that navbar.
» nicemanHi
I would like to know where on my page to paste ads from google it display in this place:
IMG (Is so big, so i don't use img tag):...Last post » Root13Thanks for an explanation and details)
» mluci12Hello! i have this page ( All words are written in uppercase.How can i edit this ?Last post » AdminHello,
Where in that page are all the words in uppercase (put a screenshot, or copy-paste that text), because I saw in that page normal text, with...
» mluci12I have this code
<section class= b-search >
<div class= container >
<h1 class= wow zoomInUp data-wow-delay= 0.3s >UNSURE WHICH...Last post » AdminThose elements are set display:inline; , but the problem is from their width . They have set: width:33.3% but there are 4 elements, so, put width:24%...
» mluci12Look at .The scroll up burton don't view. He is behind.Why?
This is the css code:
/* BackToTop button css */
#scroll {...Last post » AdminHi,
It is not viewed because it has display:none; . Delete the display:none; from html and css; and add: z-index:9999; in css to #scroll.
» mluci12Hello! How can i create a button like scroll up to redirect to a html page when is clicked.Last post » AdminHi,
What did you try? What code you have?
I think you can make that button a simple <a> link:
<a href= page.html id= btnid title= Some...
» mluci12How can i block this form sending if user not select option?
<form method= GET action= search.php >
<select name= Type >
<option...Last post » AdminHi
Try with the required attribute in the form element you want to be required.
<form method= GET action= search.php >
» PloMarI have 3 strings (with different sizes) next to each other on the same line.
Some Big text Here Middle text Other string, smaller
How can I...Last post » MarPloHi,
By setting vertical-align and line-height , you can center vertically the strings on the same line.
.text_line {...
» PloMarI have these four Divs:
<div class= dv1 >DIV 1</div>
<div class= dv2 >DIV 2</div>
<div class= dv3 >DIV 3</div>...Last post » MarPloTry changing the order of the HTML and use the css code from this example:
.dv1 {
» PloMarHello
I have the following html code. I try to center vertically a text next to an image, both into a Div.
<img src= image.jpg...Last post » MarPloHi,
Try to add vertical-align: middle; to both elements; <img> and text.
And, if you want to have multiple lines of text centered vertically...
» PloMarI have two DIVs inside a container. Like this:
<div class= container >
<div id= dv1 >Div 1</div>
<div id= dv2 >Div...Last post » MarPloYou can try the code from this example (using text-align: center; on .container, and display: inline-block; for children divs).
» PloMarI have a text and an input field in a table cell. The column with that cell has fixed max-width (150px), the problem is that the text exceeds the...Last post » AdminSet in css the dimensions for the table and its columns, and define the width of the elements which are in the table cell to be less than the column...
» PloMarI have a Div and a Button that uses JavaScript to alternate the class of the Div to hide and show . The hide class has display:none; to hide the Div...Last post » MarPloThe display: none; and display: block; are executed instantly, from what I know, you cannot animate them with only CSS. But to achieve the animation...
» PloMarI'm using placeholders for input fields which is working out just fine. But I'd like to use a placeholder for select options list as well.
Of course...Last post » MarPloAdd the disabled and selected attributes in the first <option> used as placeholder.
- disabled : stops the Option being selected with both...
» PloMarI have an input element with placeholder attribute, like this:
<input type= text name= yname placeholder= Some text />
How can i change the...Last post » MarPloThis will style all input and textarea placeholders.
- Note: Do not group these rules into a selector. Make a separate rule for every selector ....
» MarPloIs there a way to set thumbnail image on HTML5 video?
I want to display some pictures before play. My code looks like this:
<video width= 500...Last post » AdminJust add the poster= image.png attribute to the video tag.
<video width= 500 height= 280 poster= your_image.png controls>
<source src=...
» MarPloHello,
Is it possible to set same height as width (ratio 1:1) for a html element with dynamic /fluid width, using css?
<div id= parent...Last post » AdminSimple and neet : use vw units (viewport units) for a responsive height/width according to the viewport width.
In this example, CSS does 80% of the...