Hide element if data contains specific text
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Hide element if data contains specific text
Is there a possibility to hide HTML elements if the 'data-' attribute contains a specific piece of text?
For example: Hide the Divs that it's data contains "-en".
Code: Select all
<div class='check' data-value='example-en'></div>
<div class='check' data-value='check-en'></div>
<div class='check' data-value='example2-en'></div>
<div class='check' data-value='check-fr'></div>
You can do this with either CSS or Javascript.
Code: Select all
/* with specified elements */
div[data-value*='-en'] {
display: none;
/* or global */
[data-value*='-en'] {
display: none;
And if you wanted to do it based on data in classes name.
And JS:
Code: Select all
document.querySelectorAll('[data-value*="-en"]').forEach((elem) => elem.style.display ='none');
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I don't know about speech to text fill-in.
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