Stars Not showing on Rating Script

Place for comments, problems, questions, or any issue related to the JavaScript / PHP scripts from this site.

Stars Not showing on Rating Script

Good Day,

I've been working on this for hours and I'm sure there is something simple I'm missing, regarded to this script: ... jax-php_s2

I've downloaded all the directories to my root folder and reviewed the code to see if there is something I'm missing.
I could sure use some help on this. My test page is at:

Thanks in advance....


JanMolendijk Posts:282
Dear jonbravo27, i readed your topic
recently i had the same problem

Solution is standig on this page


Admin Posts:805
In browser console (F12) appears that there is an error in "ratings.js" file, on line 1:

Code: Select all

SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<'
This error might be because of a wrong encoding of the text editor you used to edit the file.
Try use a text editor with "Encode in UTF-8 without BOM" , for example Notepad++.

Admin Posts:805
I think that the problem is from php server.
I notied that your server emits warning error if the date_default_timezone_set isn't specified; which affects data returned to ajax.
So, in the "ratings.php" file add the following code (before including of the "class.rating.php"), and set the time zone you want to use.

Code: Select all

- Or, download again the script, because I added it in this script.