I followed all installation instructions, managed to reindex 500 pages, it works up to the search suggestions displaying correct phrases, but when I hit "search" the results are zero.
I ran this on windows 7 with Wampserver, then AMMPS with same result. Other things I tried:
-> changed PHP versins from 5.2 to 5.4 then 5.5
-> changed from Innodb to myIsam and vice versa.
-> for each change in environment I re-installed SSEP
The only error generated were these:
Code: Select all
-> PHP Warning: PDOStatement::execute(): MySQL server has gone away in F:\Ampps\www\ssep\php\mysqli_pdo.php on line 111
-> PHP Warning: PDOStatement::execute(): Error reading result set's header in F:\Ampps\www\ssep\php\mysqli_pdo.php on line 111
I did not find errors in Apache related to SSEP, also found no errors in mySql related to SSEP.
Mysql tables show number of rows:
-> ssep_domain = 1
-> ssep_pgd_1 = 505
-> ssep_sets = 0
-> ssep_url_1 = 687
From phpinfo.php:
PHP Version 5.5.12
mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev
Apache 2.0 Handler
The site contains all static html pages.
I'm really stumped dont know what to do to make this work. I have only very tiny knowledge in php.