XAMPP-server not online

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XAMPP-server not online

Pleassant Coursesweb,

Finaly after some years also because covid-lock-down I shared my documment-file with the first lawyer.

But 2 hours after My keyboard breakdown plus computer did not function how it should be

Now finaly day later I`m almost their.


-> XAMPP server is only running on local IP // ?

The configuration in the modem I rebooted.

I do not understand why I`m not able to connect with my IP-address (online)

Hope coursesweb can suport me with this problem.

Try to search on the internet for the following phrase:
XAMPP server online ip

You'll find many articles about that problem.

I have no experience with network settings.

Marplo thanks for the quick answer....

Normaly I`m carefull with extern memory, but even this were also in my USB
with result parts from website backup did not work aswell.... Lucky I have
serval backups for the website so I still have everything.

The problem were in my modem some numbers
changed what I found out to connect the XAMPP server

Thanks again for quick support

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