Second Insert in mysql not work

Discuss coding issues, and scripts related to PHP and MySQL.

Second Insert in mysql not work

Hello!Have you any idea why this don't work?

Code: Select all

$user = trim($_GET['user']);
header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

$mesaj = '';  

        // Variabila folosita pt. mesajul ce va fi afisat pt. utilizator
// Se verifica daca sunt primite datele de la formular
if (isset($_POST['message']) && isset($_POST['message'])) {
  // Se filtreaza datele pt. eliminare posibile spatii exterioare si tag-uri
  $_POST = array_map("trim", $_POST);
  $_POST = array_map("strip_tags", $_POST);

  // Se verifica daca "magic_quotes_gpc()" este setat ON
  // Daca e ON, se aplica stripslashes() pentru a nu se adauga de 2 ori '\' cand va fi aplicat "mysql_real_escape_string()"
  if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_POST = array_map("stripslashes", $_POST); }

  // Daca nu exista nici un mesaj de eroare, filreaza datele cu mysql_real_escape_string() si le adauga in baza de date
  // Altfel, in cazul vreunei erori, adauga in variabila $mesaj
  if (!isset($eroare)) {
    include('conn.php');         // Include fisierul pt. conectare-selectare baza de dat

    // Se aplica functia de filtrare mysql_real_escape_string()

       $message = $_POST['message'];

    // Acum se adauga mai in siguranta aceste date in MySQL
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `conversatii` (`user-i`,`user-p` ) VALUES ('$nume2', '$user')";
  if (mysql_query($sql, $conn)) {
    $mesaj = '<div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissable">
                    <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>
                    <h4>  <i class="icon fa fa-check"></i> Thank you!We can view more details in My Conversation</h4>
    $nume = '';  $email = '';
    $last_id = $conn->insert_id;
    $sql2 = "INSERT INTO `mesaje` (`user-i`,`user-p` ,`mesaj` , `id-` ) VALUES ('$nume2', '$user' ,` $message` , ` $last_id`)";
    else $mesaj = '<font color="red">Datele nu au putut fi adaugate '. mysql_error(). '</font>';

  else $mesaj = '<font color="red">'. implode('<br />', $eroare). '</font>';
echo $mesaj;
- Dont't work the second insert..first work good!

Admin Posts:805
The second Insert, $sql2, is not sent to mysql (with mysql_query() ).
Also, the second insert seems wrong. Maybe this is correct:

Code: Select all

$sql2 = "INSERT INTO `mesaje` (`user-i`,`user-p` ,`mesaj` , `id` ) VALUES ('$nume2', '$user' ,'$message', $last_id)";
- Then, apply the function to send it to mysql.