PHP Chat Script - Problem Ajax and variable in php

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PHP Chat Script - Problem Ajax and variable in php

I have set the

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$c_subdir = ''.$username.'';//$username comes from database
the chat is looking ok, the entrys come from harry.txt,
The chat with firebug show the right harry.txt and the code looks in browser

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<div data-subdir="harry/" id="chatwindow">
ok that is good .
but when i post entry, the chat post, is not in the text file ??
i take a look in the js the path come from data-subdir, all is ok ,i cant see errors, why is the post not in harry.txt

when i set (write) in $c_subdir = 'harry';
the code look like the same as bevore but chat is not going . i can see the chats bevore the harry.txt is loadet ok.
here little code from setchat, in website(i must set it with Iframe)

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<iframe width="657" height="500" frameborder="0" style="background:#292929" allowtransparency="true" src="" name="shoutbox"></iframe>

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$get_user = $_GET['username'];
    $_SESSION['username'] = $get_user;

 define('CHATADD', 0);
if(CHATADD !== 1) {
  if(isset($_SESSION['username'])) define('CHATUSER', $_SESSION['username']);
 $c_subdir = ''.$username.'';//$username comes from database   
ok i think the mistake is here :

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$query = "SELECT * FROM e107_modul_book  WHERE modul='chat' AND md5userid='".$first_get_value."'";
the setchat is ajax reload but the $first_get_value comes from the side and when side is reload the $first_get_value =0

that is very bad.
why must the setchat load with ajax ??

Admin Posts:805
I didn't understand well the problem, I not know what "$first_get_value comes from the side" is; but if the problem has to do with the value of the $first_get_value variable, you can keep that value into a $_SESSION, then you use it from session in your $query.
Something like this.

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if(!isset($_SESSION['md5userid'])) $_SESSION['md5userid'] = $first_get_value;
$query = "SELECT * FROM e107_modul_book  WHERE modul='chat' AND md5userid='". $_SESSION['md5userid'] ."'"; 
- The ideea is to keep in session the values that are used in setchat.php but they aren't passed via ajax, and get them from session when is ajax request.