jQuery - Append rows in table then hide the button
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jQuery - Append rows in table then hide the button
I have a html table and a button, like this:
Code: Select all
<table id="tb_id" border="1">
<td>Web programming & development</td>
<td>Description for CoursesWeb.net</td>
<button id="btn1">Append Row</button>
And a JavaScript array with rows data that I want to add in the html table, one by one, when the button #btn1 is pressed.
Code: Select all
// array with table rows to append
var trows = [
'<td>http://www.marplo.net/</td><td>Free courses and Flash Games</td><td>Description for MarPlo.net</td>',
'<td>http://www.php.net/</td><td>PHP Programming</td><td>Description for PHP.net</td>'
Then, to hide the button when the last item with row data is added.
How can I do this with jQuery: to append a row in a html table when a button is pressed, then to hide that button?
To append a row in a html table, use this syntax:
Code: Select all
$('#table_id > tbody:last').append('<tr>...</tr>');
And to hide the pressed button:
Here's the code that appends rows in your html table and hides the button after the last row is added:
Code: Select all
<table id="tb_id" border="1">
<td>Web programming & development</td>
<td>Description for CoursesWeb.net</td>
<button id="btn1">Append Row</button>
// array with table rows to append
var trows = [
'<td>http://www.marplo.net/</td><td>Free courses and Flash Games</td><td>Description for MarPlo.net</td>',
'<td>http://www.php.net/</td><td>PHP Programming</td><td>Description for PHP.net</td>'
var ir = 0;
// append LI in #lists
$('#tb_id > tbody:last').append('<tr>'+ trows[ir] +'</tr>'); // append current "ir" row
if(ir == trows.length) $(this).hide('slow'); // if last row to append, hides the button