Get values of one MySQL table that are not in other table

Discuss coding issues, and scripts related to PHP and MySQL.

Get values of one MySQL table that are not in other table

I have two tables: A and B. I need to compare their columns to get values of one table that are not in other table.
  • Table A columns : ID, table_id (key reference to table B), data
    Table B columns : ID (primary key, references to table A), x, y
I need to get values from A.table_id that are not equal to B.ID

Code: Select all

A.table_id values = 3,3,2
B.ID values = 1,2,3
I need to get value 1.

Admin Posts:805
You can use not in:

Code: Select all

FROM table_A 
WHERE table_id NOT IN (SELECT id from table_B)