CKEditor preinstalled imgupload problem

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CKEditor preinstalled imgupload problem

I've installed your imgupload.php script but it doesn't load ckeditor. Please see:

... where I'm getting the console errors:

Code: Select all

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
ckeditor.js:231 Uncaught Error: [CKEDITOR.resourceManager.load] Resource name "imgupload" was not found at "".
Is there a file missing (plugin.js)?

Admin Posts:805
That problem appears when you download the CKEditor with the plugin preinstalled. They not add the plugin.js file.
Try create in the "plugins/imgupload/" folder the file "plugin.js" having only this line:

Code: Select all

// Just an PHP Addon that not need JavaScript include.
If not works, download and install manually this plugin. See the instructions in the readme.html file.
- You can also use the CKEditor from this page: ... -browse_s2 , it has the imgupload addon installed, and other utility plugins.

byronclunz Posts:6
Thank you for the help. I tried adding the plugin.js one-line file but that alone didn't work. So I downloaded from your _s2 link and that appears to be working.