Adding login username in the Ajax Voting Script

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Adding login username in the Ajax Voting Script

It'si it possible to add to the table of voters (votusers) login username of voter, when user vote? In the Ajax Voting Script: ... pt-ajax_s2
Login i get with function: $fgmembersite->UserFullName();.

I use the code from "" Thanks, and i made some changes in this script for mine:

I would like to set in column of this table "username", login of this account, variable:

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Can you help me with this changes?

Admin Posts:805
You just have to add in the VOTER constant (in voting.php) the login name returned by your other script.
In the voting.php file there is this code:

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// If you want than only the logged users to can vote the element(s) on page, sets USRVOTE to 0
// And sets $_SESSION['username'] with the session that your script uses to keep logged users
define('USRVOTE', 1);
if(USRVOTE !== 1) {
  if(!isset($_SESSION)) session_start();
  if(isset($_SESSION['username'])) define('VOTER', $_SESSION['username']);
So, you can use it like this (replace $_SESSION['username'] with the session in which the other script stores the login username):

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// If you want than only the logged users to can vote the element(s) on page, sets USRVOTE to 0
// And sets $_SESSION['username'] with the session that your script uses to keep logged users
define('USRVOTE', 0);
if(USRVOTE !== 1) {
  if(!isset($_SESSION)) session_start();
  if(isset($_SESSION['username'])) define('VOTER', $_SESSION['username']);
  // or this, if you not have a session with username
  else if(isset($fgmembersite)) define('VOTER', $fgmembersite->UserFullName());
In this way you not need to make changes into the, nor to create another column into the mysql table; the username will be stored in the "voter" column.

Nike555 Posts:12
I tryed to set in column "username" variable "VOTER", not add nothing in the table(with your script from last post).
I tryed

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	  $username = $_SESSION['username'];
and use in insert $username, not add nothing in the table.

With old script (defined VOTER), when i vote, add new row, but in this column is NULL.

Admin Posts:805
Set 0 to the USRVOTE constant and define that username to the VOTER constant, or use $_SESSION['username'] in Insert, not $username because it isn't a global variable.

Nike555 Posts:12
I tryed, nothing.
Nothing in php_error.log, in error.log, in mysql_error.log.
Maybe problem is this error:

Admin Posts:805
I not know what the problem is.
Try download the script again and use it. I just tested it and it works, as you can see in this screenshoot:

And, these are the settings I made in votimg.php (using all the files from

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define('NEXTV', strtotime('+12 hours'));  // LINE 17, TO CAN VOTE EVERY 12 HOURS

// If you want than only the logged users to can vote the element(s) on page, sets USRVOTE to 0
// And sets $_SESSION['username'] with the session that your script uses to keep logged users
define('USRVOTE', 0);
if(USRVOTE !== 1) {
  if(!isset($_SESSION)) session_start();
  $_SESSION['username'] ='Other_User';  //HERE I ADD THE USERNAME
  if(isset($_SESSION['username'])) define('VOTER', $_SESSION['username']);
- If for you not works, maybe the problem is in the other script (with the login), or from other javascript code in your page.

Nike555 Posts:12
Big thanks
I added in

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if(defined('USRVOTE') && USRVOTE === 0) { if(defined('VOTER')){ $this->voterUser = VOTER; $this->voter = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];}}  
In function setVotDb() i commented this row (if need keep votes when you vote again with this account):

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//$this->sqlExecute("DELETE FROM `$this->votusers` WHERE `nextv`<$this->time");  
And i replaced

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$this->sqlExecute("INSERT INTO `$this->votusers` (`username`, `account`, `nextv`, `voter`, `item`) VALUES ('$this->voterUser', '$account', ". NEXTV .", '$this->voter', '".$items[0]."')");


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//check if the users can vote, register the vote
$this->sqlExecute("SELECT * FROM `$this->votusers` WHERE `nextv`>$this->time AND `username`='$this->voterUser'");
  if($this->affected_rows == 0) {
    $this->sqlExecute("INSERT INTO `$this->votusers` (`username`, `account`, `nextv`, `voter`, `item`) VALUES ('$this->voterUser', '$account', ". NEXTV .", '$this->voter', '".$items[0]."')");
And with this script you will check login if this login can vote (expired time from column `nextv`).
And Works fine.
Thanks Admin for you help.