Javascript Course

The script presented in this page is a JavaScript Countdown Timer that can start a countdown to a time defined in forms.
It can take a given time for the end of a countdown from form inputs that define the year, month, day, hour, minute and second.
The object can also take the end time from static HTML page elements with identifiers that start with a given prefix.
The object can start the countdown and keep updating page elements that show the remaining time to the end.
When the Countdown Timer reaches to 0, it is executed a certain function defined in script. In that function you can add a code to be executed when countdown timer reaches to 0.
It can be added multiple countdowns for diferent date-times in the same page. More details you can find in the "readme.html" file in the archive with this script.

• To Download this script, click: Countdown Timer until specified Date-Time.

- Example Countdown Timer until a specified Date-Time from form.
Years: 0
Months: 0
Days: 0
Hours: 0
Minutes: 0
Seconds: 0

Until: ...

- Example Countdown Timer until a specified Date-Time defined in page:
Years: 0
Months: 0
Days: 0
Hours: 0
Minutes: 0
Seconds: 0

Until: 12/31/2018 - 18:33:00

Daily Test with Code Example

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.some_class {
  width: 30%;
  float: left;
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Countdown Timer until specified Date-Time

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