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Adding data from from url in Pagination Class

Posted: 18 May 2019, 18:02
by JanMolendijk
Chief I hope you don't get a headache from me

About a year and a half ago you added an id detection from url in the pagination class from
yesterday I spent 6 hours studying how you did that but I didn't find the solution.

I would like to have album + name from the url also

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$album = isset($_GET['album']) ?(int) $_GET['album'] :'';

$name = isset($_GET['name']) ?(int) $_GET['name'] :'';
//your code ..
The first page is normal working but when i skip to the second page &pg=1
I cant create $name $album into next pages

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$files = glob("albums/upload/Show/Maps/$_GET[name]/$_GET[album]/*.*");
for ($i=0; $i<count($files); $i++)
$num = $files[$i];
I need to do something in the
but I really don`t know how what to do after many tryouts ???????

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  $re ='';         // the variable that will contein the links and will be returned
  $pg =($str=='')?'?pg=':'?'.$str.'&pg=';      // the name for the GET value added in URL

Adding data from from url in Pagination Class

Posted: 19 May 2019, 05:25
by Admin
The pagination class has a method getLinks(str) that returns the pagination links with the value from $str in href attribute.
In the place where you call that method to dispay the pagination links call it with data from url as argument, like this:

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$album = isset($_GET['album']) ?strip_tags($_GET['album']) :'';
$name = isset($_GET['name']) ?strip_tags($_GET['name']) :'';
$name_album ='name='.$name.'&album='.$album;

//outputs the pagination links
echo $objPg->getLinks($name_album);