The PHP Pagination Class presented in this page can be used to paginate contents stored in a MySQL database, or into an Array, or eaven a string with large text content that you want to divide into multiple pieces, with a page for each piece.
The script is very flexible, you can easily set the number of rows displayed on the page, or in the case you paginate a large text, you can choose to divide the text into a specific number of pieces or according to a number of maximum characters (without breaking words).
Details about the code are in the class comments.
<?php // Pagination Class - class Pagination { /* EDIT data in this array if you want to paginate content stored in a MySQL table Add your data for connecting to MySQL database (MySQL server, user, password, database name) */ protected $mysql = array( 'host'=> 'localhost', 'user'=> 'root', 'pass'=> 'password', 'dbname'=> 'database_name' ); public $table = 'pgtest'; // HERE add the mysql table name // properties public $rowsperpage = 12; // number of articles displayed in the page public $txtchr = 800; // maximum numbers of characters for article (if paginate text-content) public $txtpieces = 0; // number of pieces to divide text (if paginate text-content) public $range = 3; // range number of links around the current protected $conn = false; // will store the mysql connection protected $idpage = 0; // the index of the current page protected $totalpages = 0; // number of total pages protected $pag; // to store the name of the file ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) // Constructor public function __construct() { // sets the properties: $pag, and $idpage (integer, positive) $this->pag = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if(isset($_GET['pg'])) $this->idpage = intval(abs($_GET['pg'])); } // method to set the mysql connection public function setConn() { // if it connects successfully to MySQL database, store the connection in the $conn property if($conn = new mysqli($this->mysql['host'], $this->mysql['user'], $this->mysql['pass'], $this->mysql['dbname'])) { $sql ='SET character_set_client="utf8",character_set_connection="utf8",character_set_results="utf8";'; if($conn->query($sql)) $this->conn = $conn; } return $this->conn; } // Select the rows for the current page from the mysql table, or from a received Array. Returns an Array with the rows public function getMysqlRows() { $this->setConn(); // calls the setConn() method to set the MySQL connection $startrow = $this->idpage * $this->rowsperpage; // the row from which start to select the content $re =''; // the variable that will be returned // if there is a connection to MySQL if($this->conn !== false) { // SELECT to set the total number of pages ($totalpages) $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `$this->table`"; // perform the query, then Selects the rows if($resql = $this->conn->query($sql)) { // if the $resql contains at least one row, takes and sets $totalpages if($resql->num_rows > 0) { $row = $resql->fetch_row(); $this->totalpages = ceil($row[0] / $this->rowsperpage); // Define the SELECT to get the rows for the current page $sql = "SELECT * FROM `$this->table` LIMIT $startrow, $this->rowsperpage"; if($resql = $this->conn->query($sql)) { // if the $resql contains at least one row if($resql->num_rows > 0) { // EDIT THE NAME OF COLUMNS AND FORMAT THE DATA WITH HTML TAGS AS YOU WHISH while($row = $resql->fetch_assoc()) { $re .= '<h3>'. $row['title']. '</h3>'. $row['id']. '<div class="content">'. $row['content']. '</div>'; } } else $re .='0 results'; } else $re .='0 results in the table'; } } else $re .='Error: '. $this->conn->error; $this->conn->close(); } else $re .='No connection to MySQL table'. mysqli_connect_error(); return $re; } // receives an Arry with the content for all pages. Returns the content for the current page public function getArrRows($arr) { $startrow = $this->idpage * $this->rowsperpage; // the element from which start to select $ar_page = array_slice($arr, $startrow, $this->rowsperpage); // gets the elements for current page $nre = count($ar_page); $this->totalpages = ceil(count($arr) / $this->rowsperpage); // sets the total number of pages $re =''; // the variable that will be returned // HERE ADDS HTML TAGS TO FORMAT THE ZONE THAT CONTAINS EACH ELEMENT for($i=0; $i<$nre; $i++) { $re .='<div class="content">'. $ar_page[$i]. '</div>'; } return $re; } // method to split the text into number of characters (specified in the $txtchr property) without breaking words public function getText($text) { // if the $txtpieces higher than 0, divide the $text into a number of pieces specified in $txtpieces // otherwise, split the text according to the number of characters specified in $txtchr property if($this->txtpieces>0) { $this->txtchr = ceil(strlen($text) / $this->txtpieces); // set $txtchr (length of text piece) according to number of pieces } // split the text and create an Array with string pieces. Returns the content for the current page $newtext = wordwrap($text, $this->txtchr, '#|#'); $ar_text = explode('#|#', $newtext); $nr_pieces = count($ar_text); // if paginate by number of pieces, and too many pieces - merge the last two pieces if($this->txtpieces>0 && $nr_pieces>$this->txtpieces) { $ar_text[$nr_pieces-2] .=' '. $ar_text[$nr_pieces-1]; unset($ar_text[$nr_pieces-1]); } $this->totalpages = count($ar_text); // sets the number of total pages if($this->idpage > $this->totalpages) $this->idpage = $this->totalpages; // sets a string to be added at the end of the text content, if not the last page. $end = ($this->idpage+1)<$this->totalpages ? ' ...[<i> Continue to next page</i>].' : ''; return $ar_text[$this->idpage]. $end; } // method that sets the links //$str, optional - string with name=value public function getLinks($str='') { $re =''; // the variable that will contein the links and will be returned $pg =($str=='')?'?pg=':'?'.$str.'&pg='; // the name for the GET value added in URL // if $totalpages>0 and totalpages higher then $this->idpage if($this->totalpages > 0 && $this->totalpages > $this->idpage) { // links to first and back page, if it isn't the first page if ($this->idpage > 0) { // show << for link to 1st page if(($this->idpage + 1) > $this->range) $re .='<a href="'. $this->pag. '" title="1"><< 1</a>'; // show < for link to back page if(($this->idpage - $this->range) > 2) $re .=' <a href="'. $this->pag. $pg. ($this->idpage - $this->range - 1) .'" title="'. ($this->idpage - $this->range) .'">('. ($this->idpage - $this->range) .')<</a>'; } // sets the links in the range of the current page for($x = ($this->idpage - $this->range + 1); $x <= ($this->idpage + $this->range); $x++) { $ipg = max(0, ($x - 1)); // index of page in URL // if it's a number between 0 and last page if (($x > 0) && ($x <= $this->totalpages)) { // if it's the number of current page, show the number without link, otherwise add link if ($x == ($this->idpage + 1)) $re .=' [<b>'. $x .'</b>] '; else $re .=' <a href="'. $this->pag. $pg. $ipg. '" title="'. $x. '">'. $x .'</a>'; } } // If the current page is not final, adds link to next and last page if ($this->idpage < $this->totalpages) { // show > for next page if(($this->idpage + $this->range) < ($this->totalpages - 3)) $re .=' <a href="'. $this->pag. $pg. ($this->idpage + $this->range + 1) .'" title="'. ($this->idpage + $this->range +2) .'">>('. ($this->idpage + $this->range +2) .')</a>'; // show >> for last page if($this->totalpages > $this->range && $this->totalpages > ($this->idpage + 2)) $re .=' <a href="'. $this->pag. $pg. ($this->totalpages - 1) .'" title="'. $this->totalpages .'">'. $this->totalpages. ' >></a> '; } } // adds all links into a DIV and return it if(strlen($re)>1) $re ='<div class="pgn_links">'. $re .'</div>'; return $re; } }
include('class.pagination.php');3. Create an object instance of the class, with this syntax:
- If you want to pass a string with name=value data in the URL of the pagination links, add that string as an argument to the getLinks() method:$str ='id=2';
echo $objPg->getLinks($str);
<?php // include the Pagination class include('class.pagination.php'); // create object instance of the class $objPg = new Pagination(); // if you want to change the name of the table, set the "table" property // $objPg->table = 'other_table'; // if you want to change the number of rows added in page, set the "rowsperpage" property // $objPg->rowsperpage = 8; // output /display the conntent echo $objPg->getMysqlRows(); // output / display pagination links echo $objPg->getLinks(); //or, with a name=value string to be added in pagination links // echo $objPg->getLinks('id=2'); ?>
<?php // Array with data $source = array('a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','y','x','z'); // include the Pagination class include('class.pagination.php'); // create object instance of the class $objPg = new Pagination(); // change the number of elements displayed on the page $objPg->rowsperpage = 8; // output /display the conntent echo $objPg->getArrRows($source); // output / display pagination links echo $objPg->getLinks(); //or, with a name=value string to be added in pagination links // echo $objPg->getLinks('id=2'); ?>
<?php // A string with the text content to paginate $source = 'Here add a large text string, or you can get the string from an external file, for example with the file_get_contents() function.'; // include the Pagination class include('class.pagination.php'); // create object instance of the class $objPg = new Pagination(); // change the number of characters for the piece of text content $objPg->txtchr = 40; // if you want to paginate the text content by a number of pieces, set the "txtpieces" property // $objPg->txtpieces = 6; // output /display the conntent echo $objPg->getText($source); // output / display pagination links echo $objPg->getLinks(); //or, with a name=value string to be added in pagination links // echo $objPg->getLinks('id=2'); ?>
<embed src="flash_game.swf" width="450" height="350" />
#id:first-line { font-weight: bold; color: blue; }
var url = window.location; alert(url);
$homepage = file_get_contents(""); echo $homepage;