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In this page it is presented a PHP function that can be used to create simple JPEG images with PHP, with text displayed on multiple lines.
- This function (named textToImg() can receive 4 arguments: the text string, the image width (in pixels), background color, and text color. The last 2 parameters are optionals, they are by default: blue, and a green color.
Here's the code of the function:
// Function to create images with PHP, with text on new lines
// Receives the text-string, image-width (in pixels), and optional: arrays with RGB color for background-color, text-color
function textToImg($text, $image_width, $colour = array(0,1,244), $background = array(130,200,150)) {
  $font = 5;
  $line_height = 15;
  $padding = 5;
  $text = wordwrap($text, ($image_width/10));
  $lines = explode("\n", $text);
  $image = imagecreate($image_width,((count($lines) * $line_height)) + ($padding * 2));
  $background = imagecolorallocate($image, $background[0], $background[1], $background[2]);
  $colour = imagecolorallocate($image,$colour[0],$colour[1],$colour[2]);
  imagefill($image, 0, 0, $background);
  $i = $padding;

  foreach($lines as $line){
    imagestring($image, $font, $padding, $i, trim($line), $colour);
    $i += $line_height;

  // output to show the image in browser
  header("Content-type: image/jpeg");

  // to save the image on server, delete '\\\', exit;, the header() and imagejpeg() above, add your dir/img
///  imagejpeg($image, 'dir/img.jpg');

- The textToImg() function displays the JPEG image in browser. If you want to save the image on server, delete these lines of code:
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
And delete the three backslashes on this line ('dir/img.jpg' is the directory and the image name saved on server):
\\\ imagejpeg($image, 'dir/img.jpg');
// Here add the textToImg() function

$text = 'Free PHP MySQL course: http;// , with video tutorials, scripts, and code snippets.';

// image width in pixels
$image_width = 250;

// calls the function
textToImg($text, $image_width);
Free PHP MySQL course: http;// , with video tutorials, scripts, and code snippets.

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PHP Image with text on New Lines

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