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Daily Test with Code Example

Which attribute can be used to add CSS styles directly in the HTML tag?
type style class
<div style="width: 80%; border: 3px solid #888888;">Content</div>
Which CSS transform method distorts the HTML element in a given angle (including its content)?
translate() scale() skew()
#some_id {
  transform: skew(20deg, 25deg);
  -ms-transform: skew(20deg, 25deg);   /* IE 9 */
  -webkit-transform: skew(20deg, 25deg);   /* Safari and Chrome */
Click on the function which converts a Date object to a string.
indexOf() toString() getDate()
var rightnow = new Date();
alert( rightnow.toString() );
Which function applies a callback function to the elements of the given array?
array_merge() array_search() array_map()
$arr = arra("abc", "<p>xyz</p>", "<em>PHP</em>");
// apply the strip_tags() function to delete HTML tags from each array item
$arr = array_map("strip_tags", $arr);

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  5. Read Excel file data in PHP - PhpExcelReader (25)
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