Daily Test with Code Example
What attribute makes the input text box to not be modified by the user?
checked="checked" readonly="readonly" disabled="disabled"<input type="text" value="fixed-value" readonly="readonly" name="a_name" />
What CSS property allows you to create rounded corners in your webpage design?
background-size border-size border-radius.class {
border:2px solid blue;
What instruction displays a confirmation dialog box to the viewer, who must then click OK or Cancel to proceed?
indexOf() confirm() prompt()var ques = window.confirm("The result of 0+0 is 0?");
if (ques) alert("Corect");
else alert("Incorrect");
Indicate the PHP function that returns the lowest number of the parameter values.
floor() ceil() min()$min_nr = min(12, 8, 25, 13);
echo $min_nr; // 8