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For classes in JavaScript see the tuorial from:
JavaScript is not realy an OOP programming language (
based on classes and objects, like C++, or PHP), it is a scripting language (based on functions) that is executed in browser. But, you can also create "classes" in JavaScript, that can be the base for an Object (defined with the "
new" keyword).
class in JavaScript is created with the special word:
function , using this syntax:
className = function() {
// code of the className class
A class can contain
public and
private variables (called also properties) and functions (also called methods).
The private variables, and functions are defined with the keyword "
var". They can be used only inside the class body.
The public variables, and functions are defined with the special word: "
this". They can be used inside, and outinside the class body.
The complete syntax to create a class in JavaScript:
className = function() {
var somePrivateVariable = 'private_value';
var somePrivateFunction = function(/* parameters */) {
// some code
this.somePublicVariable = 'public_value';
this.somePublicFunction = function(/* parameters */) {
// code ...
Then the code of the script using the "class" object could be like this:
myObject = new className();
Accessing properties and functions of the class
Once the class is created, and it is set an object of that class, you can use /call the public properties (variables) and functions defined in that class, using the name of the object.
myObject = new className();
// sets value of a public property
myObject.somePublicVariable = 'value';
// calls a public function of the class
var method = myObject.somePublicFunction(/* parameters */);
- The public variables and functions created in the class (with the "this" keyword) can be accessed inside class body using the "this" keyword (as they was defined).
Here is a concrete example (see the comments in code).
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
// create the class
getSum = function() {
var nr1 = 0; // private
this.nr2 = 0; // public
// private function to set the value of nr1 (which is private)
var setNr1 = function(nr) {
nr1 = nr;
// public function
// returns the sum of nr1 and nr2 (using "this." because it was defined with this keyword)
this.sum = function(nr) {
setNr1(nr); // calls the private setNr1() function to set the value of nr1
return nr1 + this.nr2;
// sets an object of getSum class
var obSum = new getSum();
// accesses the public property
alert(obSum.nr2); // 0
// sets another value for nr2, and gets the sum
obSum.nr2 = 6;
var sum64 = obSum.sum(4);
alert(sum64); // 10
// test to see if nr1 (private) can be accessed
alert(obSum.nr1); // undefined
• You can add parameters in the class definition, so, when it is defined an object of that class, it must be added a value for that parameter.
className = function(parameter) {
// code of the className class
myObject = new className('value');
Here is another example, with a class that requires a parameter.
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
// create getSum class with a parameter
getSum = function(nr) {
var nr1 = 0;
this.nr2 = 0;
// sets the value of nr1 property
var setNr1 = function(nr) {
nr1 = nr;
// returns the sum of nr1 (which is private) and nr2 (using "this." because it was defined with this keyword)
this.sum = function() {
return nr1 + this.nr2;
setNr1(nr); // calls the setNr1() function when an object of this class is created
// sets an object of getSum class
var obSum = new getSum(3);
alert(obSum.nr2); // 0
// sets another value for nr2, and gets the sum
obSum.nr2 = 5;
var sum35 = obSum.sum();
alert(sum35); // 8