Html Course

Frames are used to divide the browser's window so that multiple webpages can be displayed in the same window.
A frame is a part of the aria of the browser's window.
Each frame contains their own document (generaly a HTML document). For example you can create two frames in a window, in the first frame you can load a HTML document (ex. doc1.htm) and in the second frame a different HTML document from a different address.(ex. doc2.htm).
As you can see in the image below.

Example HTML frames

To create frames you can use the following HTML tags:

Frame configuration

First you add an element <frameset> ... </frameset> inside the HTML document in the section HEAD.
<frameset> determins how much of the window's space is attributed to each frame, using the attributes ROWS or COLS that divide the screen in Lines or Columns.
This will contain <FRAME> elements, one for each division of the browser's window.

Other attributes of the <frameset>
The <frame> tag
Below you can see how to make a HTML webpage that will contain two frames, the one on the left using 23% of the webpage's space and the other on the right 77%.
<title> PAGE TITLE </title>
<frameset cols="23%,77%">
 <frame src="doc1.htm" name="left" scrolling="no">
 <frame src="doc2.htm" name="right" scrolling="yes">

You can also make a frame design with a combination of lines and columns.
In this case, a second element "<frameset>" will be written instead of the element "<frame>" which represents the second line. The second element <frameset> will divide the remaining space in two columns. For that, the second element "<frameset>" must contains another two "<frame>" tags
- For a better understanding you can study the example below, it creates a webpage that contains three frames:
<title> PAGE TITLE </title>
<frameset cols="120,*">
 <frame src="baner.htm">
 <frameset cols="120,*">
 <frame src="Meniu.htm" name="meniu">
 <frame src="Continut.htm" name="date">

The target attribute

When we make links to be used to open webpages in frames, it is necessary to specify an attribute named target in the link tag "<a>", this tells the browser in which frame to open the webpage.
The attribute target uses as value the text from the attribute NAME of the element frame in which a new webpage will be opened.
For example, if we have a link in Meniu.htm that we want to open the page Doc3.htm in the area of the other frame, for example Continut.htm; the HTML code for the link will look like this in Meniu.htm:

- if the TARGER attribute is not specified, the webpage will open in the current frame
- the TARGET attribute must have the same value as in the NAME attribute of the frame in which you wish to display the webpage.

Special Target:

Usinng iframes

To create a frame with "<iframe>" you can use, for example, the following syntax (it will be added in the BODY section, in the place where you want the frame to appear).

- Where "iframe" is the main element that indicates the adding of a frame in the webpage.
- "page_url" is the webpage's address that will be loaded in iframe, "width" and "height" represent the length and hight of the frame (expressed in percentage or pixels)
- "scrolling" sets the permission to scroll the webpage in the frame (yes or no), "frameborder" specifies if a border will be displayed or not for the frame (1=yes, 0=no), and "name_frame" is the name of the frame (necessary for the "TARGET" attribute in links or when the iframe is used by JavaScript).

Daily Test with Code Example

Which tag is used to add definition lists into a <dl> element?
<dt> <dd> <li>
  <dd> - Hyper Text Markup Language</dd>
  <dd> - Language for web pages</dd>
Which CSS property can hide an element on page, letting an empty space in its place?
display position visibility
#id {
  visibility: hidden;
Click on the event which is triggered when the mouse clicks on an object.
onclick onmouseover onfocus
document.getElementById("id").onclick = function(){
Indicate the PHP variable that contains the contents of both $_GET, $_POST, and $_COOKIE arrays.
if(isset($_REQUEST["id"])) {
  echo $_REQUEST["id"];
Using Frames

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