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Removing the bullets from unordered lists

Posted: 15 Nov 2014, 08:27
by Marius
I have created an unordered list, and I want to remove the bullets.
Is it possible to have a list without bullets?

Removing the bullets from unordered lists

Posted: 15 Nov 2014, 08:33
by MarPlo
You can remove bullets with a CSS style like this:

Code: Select all

ul {
  list-style-type: none;
You might also want to add padding:0; margin:0; to that, if you want to remove indentation as well.

If you're unable to make it works at the <ul> level, you might need to place the list-style-type: none; at the <li> level:

Code: Select all

ul li {
  list-style-type: none;