Ex Course

Here there are links to pages where you can get other free courses and resources (e-books, and video tutorials) for programming and web development: Java, ASP.NET, Python, Adobe Photoshop, and the Last course you need.

• All these courses presented above, and other on this website teach you lots of things about programming and web development, invented by the human mind.
Studying these courses and tutorials, you will learn to create various applications, web sites and computer programms; virtual things into a virtual world created in the human Dream; with the purpouse to continue the illusion - Your Dream.
All of these are forms of human thoughts that need souls and time to get "life", but they do not teach you anything real, about mind, human, you, and real life, or About Your Self.

Daily Test with Code Example

Click on the tag that creates an ordered list
<ul> <tr> <ol>
Which selector represents the ID of an element in CSS
.name #name name
#id {
  color: #0110fb;
What statement creates an object in JavaScript?
{} [] new Date()
var obj = {"site": "CoursesWeb.net", "pr": 5};
Indicate the instruction used to evaluate if a condiition is True or False
else if() switch()
$var = 8;
if($var == 8) echo $var;
Other Free Courses

Last accessed pages

  1. Ajax-PHP Chat Script (49230)
  2. Adding data from HTML Table Rows in Form fields (9595)
  3. Adding text with ActionScript 3 (5494)
  4. Render Function (475)
  5. SHA1 Encrypt data in JavaScript (35347)

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  2. Adobe Flash Courses ActionScript 3 Tutorials (3)
  3. PHP-MySQL free course, online tutorials PHP MySQL code (3)
  4. Animation with the Timer class (3)
  5. ActionScript 3 Lessons (3)
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