Vue.component() Vue()
, such as data, computed, watch, methods, and lifecycle hooks. The only exceptions are a few root-specific options like
option must be a function that returns an object, so that each instance can maintain an independent copy of the returned data.// Define a new component called test_comp Vue.component('test_comp', { data: function(){ return { txt:'Life is miracle' } }, template: '<div><h4>This is me</h4><p>{{txt}}.</p></div>' });
<div id='demo'> <test_comp></test_comp> </div> <script> new Vue({ el: '#demo' }); </script>The custom tag (here <test_comp>) is replaced with the value of the template property from the defined component.
If you have more html tags in component's template, you must wrap the template in a parent element.
In our example we added H4 and P tags inside a Div element.
<div id='demo'> <test_comp></test_comp> <test_comp></test_comp> <test_comp></test_comp> </div> <script> // Define a new component called test_comp Vue.component('test_comp', { data: function(){ return { txt:'Life is miracle' } }, template: '<div><h4>This is me</h4><p>{{txt}}.</p></div>' }); // Create a Vue instance new Vue({ el: '#demo' }); </script>
<div id='demo'> Click on these: <comp_test></comp_test> <comp_test></comp_test> </div> <script> // Define a new component called comp_test Vue.component('comp_test', { template: '<div v-bind:style="styleobj" @click="countClicks">Nr. clicks: {{ nr_c }}.</div>', data: function(){ return {nr_c:0, styleobj:{background:'#babafe', height:'80px', margin:'8px', width:'111px'}}; }, methods:{ countClicks: function(ev){ this.nr_c++; } } }); // Create a Vue instance new Vue({ el: '#demo'}); </script>
property.<div id='demo'> <comp_button text='Comments'></comp_button> <comp_button text='Likes'></comp_button> <comp_button text='Shares'></comp_button> </div> <script> // Define a new component called comp_button Vue.component('comp_button', { props: ['text'], template: '<button>{{text}}</button> ' }); // Create a Vue instance new Vue({ el: '#demo' }); </script>
directive), which is more elegant:
<div id='demo'> <comp_button v-for='txt in ar_txt' v-bind:text='txt'></comp_button> </div> <script> // Define a new component called comp_button Vue.component('comp_button', { props: ['text'], template: '<button>{{text}}</button> ' }); const btn_txt =['Comments', 'Likes', 'Shares']; //array with data for text in component // Create a Vue instance new Vue({ el: '#demo', data:{ ar_txt: btn_txt } }); </script>
method, but the components can also be registered directly in the vue instance, in the components
property. This is called Local registration, as shown in the following script:
<div id='demo'> <comp_arti v-for='obj in article' v-bind:post='obj'></comp_arti> </div> <script> //array with data for article content in component const arti =[ {title: 'Be Happy', cnt:'<i>Just transmit joy</i>'}, {title: 'Be Good', cnt:'<b>Recognize holiness and innocence in everything you perceive.</b>'}, {title: 'Be (in) Peace', cnt:'<b>Just be the inner Self.</b>'} ]; // Create a Vue instance new Vue({ el: '#demo', data:{ article: arti }, components:{ comp_arti:{ props:['post'], template:'<div><h3>{{post.title}}</h3><div v-html="post.cnt"></div></div>' } } }); </script>
tag in component's template.<div id='demo'> <msg_box> <i>I'm Free.</i> </msg_box> </div> <script> Vue.component('msg_box', { template:'<div class="my_msg"><b>Success:</b> <slot></slot></div>' }) // Create a Vue instance new Vue({ el: '#demo' }); </script>
<link href="/templ/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
h2 { font-size: 1em; }
document.getElementById("someID").innerHTML = "HTML content";
$str = ""; $nr_chr = strlen($str); echo $nr_chr; // 22