Courses Web: PHP-MySQL JavaScript Node.js Ajax HTML CSS Free courses and tutorials for web development and programmers: PHP-MySQL and Laravel, JavaScript and Node.js, Vue.js, jQuery, Ajax, HTML5 and CSS en-en CMS MarPlo, Ajax-PHP The Four Agreements The Four Agreements, by don Miguel Ruiz in PDF format and audio/video MP4. Spirituality book. Books I`ve read and I share Tue, 19 Nov 2019 08:47:55 +0000 jsSHA - SHA Hashes and HMAC in JavaScript jsSHA JavaScript library for the SHA hash family: SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA3-224, SHA-256, SHA3-256, SHA-384, SHA3-384, SHA-512, SHA3-512, SHAKE128, SHAKE25 JavaScript Code Snippets jsSHA is a JavaScript implementation of the entire family of SHA hashes as defined in FIPS PUB 180-4 and FIPS PUB 202 (SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA3-224, ...]]> Wed, 18 Sep 2019 12:48:09 +0100 One Minute Wisdom The book One Minute Wisdom by Anthony de Mello, in PDF format, free. Collection of anecdotes and spiritual little stories. Books I`ve read and I share You will probably find the Master's language baffling, ...]]> Tue, 17 Sep 2019 11:27:41 +0100 Learning Vue.js - Tutorials JavaScript Vue framework, Simple course and tutorials for Beginners. Lessons with code and examples to easy learn Vue js Learning Vue.js The core library is focused on the view layer (front-end, client side), and it is easy to integrate ...]]> Fri, 13 Sep 2019 19:23:24 +0100 Render Function Vue js tutorial about render function, a way to make Vue components more dynamically Learning Vue.js Render Function is an alternative to string templates, allowing you to make the Vue component dynamic and pass arguments and values from parent component to resulted HTML structure.
Let's ...]]>
Fri, 13 Sep 2019 13:35:05 +0100
Vue JS - Transition and Animation JS tutorial, the transition and animation features available in Vue.js. How to create CSS Transition and Animation with Vue js. Learning Vue.js Fri, 13 Sep 2019 11:53:24 +0100 Using v-model in form input fields Using Vue.js v-model directive in form input fields. Examples with textarea, checkbox, radio, select. Modifiers for input fields Learning Vue.js The Vue.js v-model directive can be used to update data of an HTML element based on user input events. ...]]> Fri, 13 Sep 2019 08:53:32 +0100 Class and Style with Vue.js Vue.js tutorial, binding styles and classes dynamically to elements with v-bind:style and v-bind:class. Class in component Learning Vue.js Binding inline styles With v-bind:style we can dynamically set CSS style properties in html tags.
- Syntax: <div v-bind:style='{propName:value, otherProp:value}'>content</div> ...]]>
Fri, 13 Sep 2019 07:18:47 +0100
Vue JS Components Vue Components, basic presentation, creating and reusing components in html. Passing data to Component with Props and Slot Learning Vue.js Vue ...]]> Thu, 12 Sep 2019 19:52:02 +0100 VueJS - Binding, v-bind How to manipulate or assign values to HTML attributes, change the CSS style, and assign classes with v-bind. Using v-bind with components Learning Vue.js v-bind is a VueJS directive used to dynamically bind one or more attributes, ...]]> Thu, 12 Sep 2019 18:19:38 +0100 Vue JS - Events How to define and use events in Vue.js with v-on directive. Dinamically events, shorthand and modifiers. Learning Vue.js Listening for Events VueJS uses the v-on attribute added in HTML tags to listen to the events.
Usually, the ...]]>
Thu, 12 Sep 2019 14:50:59 +0100
Creating Lists with v-for How to create html lists with the v-for directive in vue.js. v-for with array and objects Learning Vue.js List of items with v-for with data from ...]]> Thu, 12 Sep 2019 13:08:52 +0100 Computed Properties Vue js tutorial - Short presentation of Computed Properties, description, code and examples. Computed Setter and Getter Learning Vue.js Computed properties are like methods but with some difference in comparison to methods. Computed properties are defined in the computed object, they are usualy used to automatically update some properties ...]]> Thu, 12 Sep 2019 11:04:35 +0100 Vue Directives Vue js tutorial - Short presentation of Directives, arguments, modifier and shorthands Learning Vue.js Directives are special attributes with the v- prefix. A directive's job is to reactively apply side effects to the DOM when the value ...]]> Thu, 12 Sep 2019 08:13:57 +0100 Template Syntax Vue tutorial - Template mustache Syntax, html tags and JavaScript expression in template Learning Vue.js Vue.js uses an HTML-based template syntax that allows you to declaratively bind the rendered DOM to the Vue instance's data. The templates are compiled into Virtual DOM ...]]> Wed, 11 Sep 2019 12:32:03 +0100 Vue JS - Short presentation An introduction in Vue js JavaScript framework, short presentation and examples Learning Vue.js Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and sophisticated Single-Page Applications, easy to pick up and integrate with other libraries or existing projects. Installation To ...]]> Wed, 11 Sep 2019 09:15:13 +0100 Mixins Tutorial Vue.js about mixins, basic presentation and examples, merged and replaced mixin`s data Learning Vue.js - Example: // define a ...]]> Wed, 11 Sep 2019 07:28:12 +0100 Watch Property Vue js tutorial - Short presentation of the Watch Property with a mathematical example Learning Vue.js In the watch object add a method with the same name as the property data you want to "watch".
Syntax: ...]]>
Wed, 04 Sep 2019 08:13:13 +0100
Conditional Directives v-if, v-else, v-show Conditional Statements in vue js with the directives: v-if, v-else, v-else-if, v-show Learning Vue.js Vue.js contains a set of core directives to show or hide elements based on conditions: v-if, v-else, ...]]> Mon, 02 Sep 2019 10:15:23 +0100 The Vue Instance How to create a Vue Instance object, data, methods and Lifecycle Hooks Learning Vue.js Creating a Vue Instance Object Every Vue application starts by creating a new Vue instance with the new Vue() syntax; passing an options object: var vm = ...]]> Fri, 30 Aug 2019 19:55:23 +0100 The Prayer of the Frog Spirituality book written by Anthony de Mello containing short, funny and wise stories; collected from various countries, cultures and religions Books I`ve read and I share In ...]]> Wed, 14 Aug 2019 18:02:17 +0100 How to use php variable in external js file Javascript tutorial about using the value of a php variable into an external javascript file Tutorials So, you can apply the following technique to use value ...]]> Tue, 02 Apr 2019 13:49:25 +0100 Simple Ajax-PHP Contact Form Script Simple contact form script to receive messages from the users of your site. It is made with PHP and Ajax, it can be added in php and html files PHP MySQL Scripts - It can ...]]> Tue, 26 Feb 2019 17:26:07 +0000 How to get JSON data from JavaScript to PHP Ajax tutorial with examples about getting JSON data in PHP sent from JavaScript Tutorials You can use one of these variants: Using the php://input stream - Documentation about PHP I/O streams
In this ...]]>
Mon, 04 Feb 2019 10:03:06 +0000
Using openssl_encrypt and openssl_decrypt in PHP How to use the openssl_encrypt and openssl_decrypt functions to encrypt and decrypt password in PHP PHP Code Snippets They are useful to encrypt and decrypt the user password in a register /login script.
- Here is a simple example with ...]]>
Mon, 04 Feb 2019 09:26:55 +0000
JavaScript Game - Find the Word JavaScript script for educational games, Find the Word, made with Pixi JS; it is like Hangman JavaScript Scripts You can easily add quizzes in this ...]]> Wed, 19 Dec 2018 11:16:21 +0000 Web Programming Tests Trivia quizzes to test your web programming and development knowledge: html, css, javascript, and php Home You can choose consecutive or random quizzes, optional with countdown timer.
Choose the Category HTML CSS JavaScript PHP Welcome to Trivia Game - Choose the set ...]]>
Wed, 05 Dec 2018 10:27:50 +0000
The Power of Positive Thinking Spirituality and self-help e-book in pdf and audio mp3 format, The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale Books I`ve read and I share Fri, 23 Nov 2018 15:11:15 +0000 Currency exchange rates and converter with data from European Central Bank Ajax, Php, Mysql application to add in webpage currency exchange rates and converter with data from European Central Bank PHP MySQL Scripts This script displays foreign exchange rates according to a base currency, and it can convert ...]]> Tue, 13 Nov 2018 10:50:17 +0000 Using server-sent events - EventSource JS Course, how to use server-sent events in HTML5 and JavaScript. The EventSource object. Setting time interval in server sent events. JavaScript With SSE (Server-Sent Events) the ...]]> Tue, 04 Sep 2018 15:49:27 +0100 JavaScript Worker JS course, what is Worker object and how to use it in JavaScript applications. Code and example. JavaScript Web Worker is a JavaScript object running in the background, without affecting the performance ...]]> Mon, 03 Sep 2018 12:49:57 +0100 Subclass with extends and Inheritance JS tutorial, how to define and use subclasses and inheritance with extends in JavaScript; constructor, super, properties and class methods. JavaScript Creating subclasses with extends In JavaScript you can create subclasses (as a child class of another class) with ...]]> Tue, 28 Aug 2018 14:03:26 +0100 Define and Use Classes in JavaScript JS tutorial, how to define and use classes in JavaScript; constructor, properties and class methods, getter and setter. JavaScript Defining a class To ...]]> Tue, 28 Aug 2018 13:59:03 +0100 Properties and Methods of the window object Lists with properties and methods of the window object in JavaScript. Codes and examples. JavaScript Code Snippets The window object contains many properties and methods, a full list you can find to MDN: window object API.
- Below there are presented ...]]>
Sat, 25 Aug 2018 12:38:22 +0100
List with JavaScript events List with some of the most used JavaScript events, with code and examples. JavaScript Code Snippets Fri, 24 Aug 2018 10:17:00 +0100 Properties and Methods of the Form elements List with some of the properties and methods related to the form elements. JavaScript Code Snippets In addition to the properties and methods specific of HTML elements (presented to: ), objects of the <form> contain thei ...]]> Thu, 23 Aug 2018 10:16:13 +0100 Properties and Methods of the HTML elements in JavaScript Lists with properties and methods of the HTML elements used as objects in JS, with codes and examples. JavaScript Code Snippets Here there is a list with useful properties and methods of the HTML objects that can be used in JS scripts. JavaScript code and examples that you ...]]> Wed, 22 Aug 2018 21:27:40 +0100 Properties and Methods of the document object Lists with properties and methods of the document object in JS, with codes and examples. JavaScript Code Snippets Here there is a list with useful properties and methods of the document object, with Javascript code and examples.
Properties of the document object document.body - returns the <body> ...]]>
Wed, 22 Aug 2018 08:25:06 +0100
Methods of the Date object List with methods of the Date object, useful to work with date and time values in JS scripts JavaScript Code Snippets List with JavaScript methods of the Date object, useful to work with date and time in JS scripts.
- The Getter gets /reads ...]]>
Mon, 20 Aug 2018 11:31:17 +0100
Methods of the Array object in JS List with methods of the Array object. Callback functions for arrays , JS code and examples JavaScript Code Snippets List with useful JavaScript methods of the Array object, and functions to work with arrays in JS scripts.
Array.isArray(arr) - returns True if 'arr' is an array, otherwise, False. ...]]>
Sun, 19 Aug 2018 18:33:41 +0100
Methods of the String object in JS List and examples with JavaScript methods for the String object to work with strings in JS JavaScript Code Snippets List with useful JavaScript methods for String, and functions to work with strings in JS scripts.
str.concat(s1, s2, ..) - joins the string 'str' with the substrings 's1, s2, ..' and ...]]>
Sat, 18 Aug 2018 19:07:01 +0100
break, continue, and label How to use the break and continue statements in repetitive instructions for () and while () in JavaScript JavaScript The break and continue can be used in JavaScript with loop instrucxtions: for() and while() to stop or "jump over" loops.
The ...]]>
Fri, 17 Aug 2018 20:57:54 +0100
CSS Content CSS tutorial, how to use the CSS content property. Descriptions and code examples with its values CSS CSS content property is used to generate content in an element. It can only be used with the pseudo elements :after and :before. ...]]> Sun, 12 Aug 2018 21:41:06 +0100 HTML Lists - UL, OL Types of HTML lists: UL unordered, and OL ordered. The attributes: type, start and reversed HTML In HTML you can create various types of lists: unordered (UL), ordered (OL).
These HTML lists are block-level elements.
Unordered Lists - UL An unordered list (also called 'bulleted list') starts with ...]]>
Sun, 12 Aug 2018 20:28:34 +0100
HTML Lists - DL and DETAILS HTML tutorial, definition lists: DL, and DETAILS. Code and examples HTML Sat, 04 Aug 2018 17:11:50 +0100