Php-mysql Course

A simple PHP function that returns the zodiac sign according to day and month.
- Click to select it.
function zodiac($day, $month) {
 // returns the zodiac sign according to $day and $month ( )
  $zodiac = array('', 'Capricorn', 'Aquarius', 'Pisces', 'Aries', 'Taurus', 'Gemini', 'Cancer', 'Leo', 'Virgo', 'Libra', 'Scorpio', 'Sagittarius', 'Capricorn');
  $last_day = array('', 19, 18, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 21, 22, 21, 20, 19);
  return ($day > $last_day[$month]) ? $zodiac[$month + 1] : $zodiac[$month];

// 15 - October
echo zodiac(15, 10);    // Libra

Daily Test with Code Example

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Zodiac Signs PHP code

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