This tutorial shows
how to get each character separately from a number, in PHP.
The main thing is to convert the number into a string (with
(string) ), then you can get each character using its index.
- Example:
$nr = 15674789;
$nr_str = (string) $nr; // convert $nr into a string
echo $nr_str[0]; // 1
echo '<br/>'. $nr_str[2]; // 6
$nr_ln = strlen($nr); // gets the number of characters in $nr
// output the number of characters in $nr, and the last character
echo '<br/>'. $nr_ln; // 8
echo '<br/>'. $nr_str[$nr_ln - 1]; // 9
• If you want to hold each number separately into an array, use:
str_split($number, 1).
- Example:
$nr = 15674789;
$nr_arr = str_split($nr, 1);
echo $nr_arr[0]; // 1
echo '<br/>'. $nr_arr[2]. '<br/>'; // 6
// output the entire array
// array ( 0 => '1', 1 => '5', 2 => '6', 3 => '7', 4 => '4', 5 => '7', 6 => '8', 7 => '9', )
Daily Test with Code Example
Which type of <input> creates a color well control for selecting a color value?
type="text" type="color" type="date"<input type="color" name="get_color" />
Which CSS method rotates the HTML element at a given degree?
scale() translate() rotate()#some_id:hover {
transform: rotate(60deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(60deg); /* IE 9 */
-moz-transform: rotate(60deg); /* Firefox */
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alert(maxn); // 88
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