With this script (made with PHP and Ajax) you can add in your web site a simple contact form. The visitors of your website will can contact you and send you messages directly from your page.
- It can be included in .php and .html files, or in template, with a simple HTML code (the server must run PHP).
- The form is HTML valid and has an anti-spam verification code.
- The form data is not resend if the page is refreshed.
- You can set the script to send the messages with the mail application from the server, or via GMail (in this case you must have a GMail account). For GMail the script usese the PHPMailer class.
- Download the Archive with the Contact Form script from the Download link above, and follow the instructions from the readme.html file.
- If you have any questions or opinions about this script, please write on the Forum.
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="file.swf" width="500" height="250"> <param name="src" value="file.swf" /> Your browser not support SWF. </object>
input:focus { background-color: #88fe88; }
var jsnstr = '{"url": "http://coursesweb.net/", "title": "Web Development Courses"}'; var obj = JSON.parse(jsnstr); alert(obj.url);
if (file_put_contents("file.txt", "content")) echo "The file was created"; else echo "The file can not be created";