This php script can be used to
get and display latest subjects from PHPBB and MyBB forum.
The script reads the topics from the RSS Atom Feed generated by the PHPBB and MyBB forums, so the forum must have activated the aplication that generates the Atom /RSS feed.
This script gets and shows the link, title, content and date of the latest topics from the XML page from the URL address of the RSS feed (specified in the $file_xml variable).
- For MyBB use the Atom 1.0 feed.
You can set the number of subjects you want to display, and the maximum number of words from content.
• To Download the script, click this link:
Download - Show latest forum topics (3 KB).
- The script is Free, without assistance. Anyway, if you have qustions you can post on:
The script was tested with PHPBB 3.2.2 and MyBB 1.8.15 forums.
- Copy the code below into a php file, named "s_forum.php" (or download the script from the link above).
- Replace the value of the "
" variable with the URL address of the RSS feed of your forum.
- Copy the "
" file on your serverul, where you have the php file in which you want to include the script.
- Add the following code in the php file where you want to display the latest forum topics:
<?php include 's_forum.php'; ?>
Code of the script
// Script to show latest subjects on forum (tested with PHPBB 3.2)
// From:
//HERE add the URL of the RSS feed of your phpbb forum
$file_xml ='';
// $file_xml =''; //to test MyBB (uses atom 1.0 URL)
$nr_subj =11; //Set nr. subjects to display
$nr_cuv =23; //Set maximum number of words from content to display
//tag names to read from XML
$tags_xml = array('baza'=>'entry', 'titlu'=>'title', 'url'=>'id', 'content'=>'content', 'data'=>'updated');
//gets and parses the XML file
//returns HTML code with latest subjects
function get_last_forum($file_xml) {
GLOBAL $nr_subj, $nr_cuv, $tags_xml;
$re ='';
//get page data with cUrl
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $file_xml);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/');
$pg_dat = curl_exec($ch);
if(!curl_errno($ch) && is_string($pg_dat) && strlen($pg_dat)>11 && ($obj = @simplexml_load_string($pg_dat, null, LIBXML_NOCDATA))){
$pg_dat ='';
$baza = $obj->{$tags_xml['baza']};
$nr_subj = min($nr_subj, count($baza));
for($i=0; $i<$nr_subj; $i++){
$titlu = $baza[$i]->{$tags_xml['titlu']};
$url = str_ireplace(['http://'. $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] .'/', '&'], ['', '&'], $baza[$i]->{$tags_xml['url']});
$content =strip_tags(preg_replace('#\<p\>(.*?)\</p\>#i', '', $baza[$i]->{$tags_xml['content']})); //delete <p> content and tags
//gets and formats subjects date
$data = $baza[$i]->{$tags_xml['data']};
$data = date_parse($data);
$data = $data['day'].'-'.$data['month'].'-'.$data['year'];
//keep specified nr. words
if(preg_match('/([^ ]*[ ]{0,1}){1,'.$nr_cuv.'}/i', $content, $m)) $content = $m[0] .' ..';
$link ='<a href="'. $url. '" title="'. $titlu .'">'. $titlu. '</a> <sup>'. $data.'</sup>';
$re .='<li>'. $link.'<div>'. $content.'</li>';
if($re !='') $re ='<ol>'.$re.'</ol>';
return $re;
echo get_last_forum($file_xml); //outputs the result
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