Php-mysql Course

If you want to see the last cache of a webpage indexed by Google, you can make a search on Google with this string:
Or, directly in the address bar of your browser, access this url:
- "the_page_address" - is the URL of the page, without http:// .

The example bellow contains a function ( googleCache() ) that returns an array with 2 elements:
  - "pg_cache" - contains the HTML code of the page in cache (without the additional code added by Google).
  - "dt_cache" - the date and time of last cache.
Also, you can separate the <head> and <body> of the page added in cache. For more details, see the comments in code.
/* $pg is the URL address of your page (without http://)
 returns an array with 2 elements:
 - 'dt_cache' = date and time of last cache
 - 'pg_cache' = HTML code of the page in cache
function googleCache($pg) {
 // get datetime of last google cache ( )
  $re = array('dt_cache'=>'', 'pg_cache'=>'');
  // gets the page from Google
  $page = file_get_contents(''.$pg);

  // extract the date/time of the cache
  if(preg_match('/snapshot of the page as it appeared on ([a-z0-9 :]+) GMT/i', $page, $mdc)) {
    $re['dt_cache'] = 'Date-time of the last cache: '. $mdc[1];

  // extract the HTML code of the page in cache
  if(preg_match('#\<div style="position:relative"\>([\s\S]+)#i', $page, $mpc)) {
    $re['pg_cache'] = $mpc[1];

  return $re;

// Test
$pg = '';      // URL address of page (without http://)
$g_cache = googleCache($pg);          // get the array with 'dt_cache' and 'pg_cache'
echo $g_cache['dt_cache'];

// if you want to output the page
//  echo $g_cache['pg_cache'];

/* the following instructions store in:
 $head_cache - the HTML <head> of the page in cache
 $body_cache - the HTML code added in the <body> of the page in cache
if(preg_match('#\<head\>([\s\S]+)\</head\>#i', $g_cache['pg_cache'], $mh)) $head_cache = $mh[1];
if(preg_match('#\<body([^\>]*)\>([\s\S]+)\</body\>#i', $g_cache['pg_cache'], $mb)) $body_cache = $mb[2];

Daily Test with Code Example

Which tag is a block element?
<div> <img> <span>
<div>Web Programming and Development</div>
Which CSS code displays the text underlined?
font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline; font-weight: 500;
h2 {
  text-decoration: underline;
Click on the JavaScript function that can access other function after a specified time.
insertBefore() setTimeout() querySelector()
function someFunction() { alert(""); }
setTimeout("someFunction()", 2000);
Click on the instruction that returns the number of items of a multidimensional array in PHP.
count($array) count($array, 1) strlen()
$food =["fruits" =>["banana", "apple"), "veggie" =>["collard", "pea"));
$nr_food = count($food, 1);
echo $nr_food;       // 6
Last Google Cache of Web Page

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  2. CSS cursor property - Custom Cursors (5721)
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  4. PHP getElementById and getElementsByTagName (49158)
  5. Methods of the String object in JS (196)

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