Php-mysql Course

The innerHTML() function presented in this page it is the equivalent of the innerHTML property from JavaScript. This function can be used in PHP to get the HTML content from a HTML element within a DOMDocument object.

Code of innerHTML()

// returns a string with the HTML content from a DOMDocument node element ($elm)
function innerHTML(DOMNode $elm) { 
  $innerHTML = ''; 
  $children  = $elm->childNodes;

  foreach($children as $child) { 
    $innerHTML .= $elm->ownerDocument->saveHTML($child);

  return $innerHTML;
- Example usage of innerHTML().
// returns a string with the HTML content from a DOMDocument node element ($elm)
function innerHTML(DOMNode $elm) { 
  $innerHTML = ''; 
  $children  = $elm->childNodes;

  foreach($children as $child) { 
    $innerHTML .= $elm->ownerDocument->saveHTML($child);

  return $innerHTML;

// string with HTML content
$strhtml = '<div id="dv1">Flash Games:</div>
 <div id="dv2"><p class="cls">Free PHP Course: <a href="" title="PHP Course"></a></p></div>';

// create the DOMDocument object, and load HTML from $strhtml
$dochtml = new DOMDocument();

// get the element with id="dv2"
$dv2 = $dochtml->getElementById('dv2');

// uses innerHTML() to get the HTML content from $dv2
$cnt_dv2 = innerHTML($dv2);

// output the HTML content
echo $cnt_dv2;
- Output:
<p class="cls">Free PHP Course: <a href="" title="PHP Course"></a></p>

Daily Test with Code Example

Which tag is used in <table> to create table header cell?
<thead> <th> <td>
  <th>Title 1</th>
  <th>Title 2</th>
Which CSS property sets the distance between lines?
line-height word-spacing margin
.some_class {
  line-height: 150%;
Which function opens a new browser window.
alert() confirm() open()
document.getElementById("id_button").onclick = function(){"");
Indicate the PHP function that returns an array with names of the files and folders inside a directory.
mkdir() scandir() readdir()
$ar_dir = scandir("dir_name");
innerHTML in PHP

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