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The function presented in this page can be used to Extract / Unzip ZIP archive files with PHP. The function receives two parameters: the path-name of the Zip file to open, and the directory on server where the ZIP will be extracted.
Returns an Array with the path and name of each file in archive, or error message if unable to open the ZIP archive.

- Important: If you work on Linux system, PHP must have CHMOD write permisions in the directory in which the files will be extracted.
// Function to Extract ZIP Archive. Returns an Array with the path and name of each file in archive, or error message
// receives 2 arguments: the path-name of the Zip file to open, the directory on server where the ZIP will be extracted
function extractZip($zip_file, $dir_extract) {
  // PHP-MySQL Course -
  $re_arr = array();     // will store and return the name of the files in archive

  // create ogject of ZipArchive class, and open $zip_file
  $zip = new ZipArchive();
  $res = $zip->open($zip_file);

  // if the $zip_file can be opened
  if($res === TRUE) {
    // traverse the index number of the files in archive, store in array the name of the files in archive
    for($i = 0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i++) {
      $re_arr[] = $zip->getNameIndex($i);

    // extract the files

    return $re_arr;
  else  echo "Failed to open $zip_file , code: $res";

  /* Example */

// the path-name of the zip file, and directory to unzip
$zip_file = 'path/';
$dir_extract = 'dir_to_unzip';

// unzip the $zip_file, get and output the array with names of the extracted files
$files_zip = extractZip($zip_file, $dir_extract);

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Extract / Unzip ZIP archive files with PHP

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