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EasyPhpThumbnail class is a Free PHP class for creating thumbnails.
EasyPhpThumbnail allows you to handle image manipulation and generate thumbnails for GIF, JPG and PNG on-the-fly. Resize, crop, rotate, flip, save as, shadow, watermark, text, border, sharpen, blur, water ripple, twirl, mirror reflection, displacement maps, APNG animation.
- EasyPhpThumbnail Class 2.0.5.

1. Create a thumbnail with specified width, and height, then save it on the server:

$thumb = new easyphpthumbnail();
$thumb -> Thumblocation = 'thumbs/';           // directory in which to save the thumbnail
$thumb -> Thumbprefix = 'thumb_';              // The prefix for the thumb filename

// Set thumbsize to 100px width, and 70px height
$thumb -> Thumbwidth = 100;
$thumb -> Thumbheight = 70;

// Create the thumbnail and save it
$thumb ->Createthumb('image.jpg', 'file');

/* To output the thumbnail to screen, just delete the seccond parameter, "file" from Createthumb() */
Thumbnail Image

2. Create thumbnail with same width and height, and rotate de image over 45 degrees:

$thumb = new easyphpthumbnail();
$thumb -> Thumblocation = 'thumbs/';           // directory in which to save the thumbnail
$thumb -> Thumbprefix = 'thumb_';              // The prefix for the thumb filename

// Set thumbsize (same width and height), and rotation 45 degrees
$thumb -> Thumbsize = 125;
$thumb -> Rotate = 45;

// Create the thumbnail and save it
$thumb ->Createthumb('image.jpg', 'file');
Thumbnail rotation

3. Round two corners for a nice effect:

$thumb = new easyphpthumbnail();
$thumb -> Thumblocation = 'thumbs/';           // directory in which to save the thumbnail
$thumb -> Thumbprefix = 'thumb_';              // The prefix for the thumb filename

$thumb -> Thumbsize = 50;                        // thumb size (percentage 50%)
$thumb -> Percentage = true;                     // enable to use percentage
$thumb -> Backgroundcolor = '#fefe01';           // image background color
$thumb -> Clipcorner = array(2,15,0,1,0,0,1);    // parameters for round corners

// Create the thumbnail and save it
$thumb ->Createthumb('image.jpg', 'file');
Thumbnail rounded corners

4. A "classic" thumbnail using a shadow, three rounded corners, frame around the photo, and binder:

$thumb = new easyphpthumbnail();
$thumb -> Thumblocation = 'thumbs/';           // directory in which to save the thumbnail
$thumb -> Thumbprefix = 'thumb_';              // The prefix for the thumb filename

$thumb -> Thumbsize = 50;                        // thumb size (percentage 50%)
$thumb -> Percentage = true;                     // enable to use percentage
$thumb -> Backgroundcolor = '#fefefe';           // image background color
$thumb -> Clipcorner = array(2,15,0,1,1,1,0);    // parameters for round corners

$thumb -> Framewidth = 10;                       // frame width, in pixels
$thumb -> Framecolor = '#fefefe';                // frame color

$thumb -> Shadow = true;                         // add a shadow around the thumbnail
$thumb -> Binder = true;                         // draw a binder on the left side of the thumbnail
$thumb -> Binderspacing = 8;                     // space between binder rings in pixels

// Create the thumbnail and save it
$thumb ->Createthumb('image.jpg', 'file');
Thumbnail with frame and binder

5. Thhumbnail with 2D perspective, two rounded corners, frame around the photo, and binder:

$thumb = new easyphpthumbnail();
$thumb -> Thumblocation = 'thumbs/';           // directory in which to save the thumbnail
$thumb -> Thumbprefix = 'thumb_';              // The prefix for the thumb filename

$thumb -> Thumbsize = 50;                        // thumb size (percentage 50%)
$thumb -> Percentage = true;                     // enable to use percentage
$thumb -> Backgroundcolor = '#fefefe';           // image background color
$thumb -> Clipcorner = array(2,12,0,0,0,1,1);    // parameters for round corners

$thumb -> Framewidth = 10;                       // frame width, in pixels
$thumb -> Framecolor = '#fefefe';                // frame color

$thumb -> Shadow = true;                         // add a shadow around the thumbnail
$thumb -> Binder = true;                         // draw a binder on the left side of the thumbnail
$thumb -> Binderspacing = 8;                     // space between binder rings in pixels

$thumb -> Perspective = array(1,0,25);           // apply a perspective to the image

// Create the thumbnail and save it
$thumb ->Createthumb('image.jpg', 'file');
Thumbnail with perspective and binder

- In the archive with EasyPhpThumbnail class you'll find more examples, and documentation for API reference in the file "API.txt".
EasyPhpThumbnail Web Site.

Daily Test with Code Example

Which attribute is used in <a> tag for the address of the link?
src href rel
<a href="" title=""></a>
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font-family text-decoration font-size
h2 {
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var nr_elms = elm_list.length;       // number of selected items
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EasyPhpThumbnail Class

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