Php-mysql Course

Here is the easiest way to call a Function, or Class method dinamically, with Name from a String, stored into a variable or array item.
- Click on the code to select it.

1. Calling function with name stored into a variable use: $variable($parameters)
function url($adr){
  return 'http://'. $adr;

// variable with function name
$fun = 'url';

// calls the functions with name from $fun
$val = $fun('');

echo $val;      //

2. Calling function with name stored into a string in array item use: $array["key"]($parameters)
function getSum($x, $y){
  return $x + $y;

function hi(){
  echo 'Hello Friend';

// array with function names
$arr = ['f1'=>'getSum', 'f2'=>'hi'];

// calls the functions with name from $arr array
$sum = $arr['f1'](12, 89);

echo $sum;      // 101
echo $arr['f2']();      // Hello Friend

3. Calling class method with name from string in variable (add the variable with the method name within " {} "):
// PHP Class
class Cls {
  // class method
  public function site($str){
    return 'http://'. $str;

// varible with method name
$method = 'site';

$obC = new Cls;
$val = $obC->{$method}('');

echo $val;      //

4. Calling class method with name from string in array item (add the array item with the method name within " {} "):
// PHP Class
class Cls {
  // class methods
  public function getSum($x, $y){
    return $x + $y;

  public function hi(){
    return 'Hello Friend';

// array with method names
$mts = ['m1'=>'getSum', 'm2'=>'hi'];

$obC = new Cls;
$sum = $obC->{$mts['m1']}(12, 89);
$msg = $obC->{$mts['m2']}();

echo $sum;      // 101
echo $msg;      // Hello Friend

Daily Test with Code Example

Which tag defines the clickable areas inside the image map?
<map> <img> <area>
<img src="image.jpg" usemap="#map1">
<map name="map1">
  <area shape="rect" coords="9, 120, 56, 149" href="#">
  <area shape="rect" coords="100, 200, 156, 249" href="#">
Which CSS property defines what is done if the content in a box is too big for its defined space?
display overflow position
#id {
  overflow: auto;
Click on the event which is triggered when the mouse is positioned over an object.
onclick onmouseover onmouseout
document.getElementById("id").onmouseover = function(){
  document.write("Have Good Life");
Indicate the PHP variable that contains data added in URL address after the "?" character.
if(isset($_GET["id"])) {
  echo $_GET["id"];
Calling Function and Class Method with Name from String

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