Installing Node.js
To install Node.js, you can use an installer or a binary package, from node.js website:
Node JS Downloads.
- I downloaded the windows binary package, then I extracted the files from the .zip archive into a directory named "nodejs", in partition" E" (you can install it in any directory you want).
- The official Node.js website has installation instructions on various platforms (Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc.):
Installing Node.js via package manager.
Simple Node.js server script
Once you have downloaded and installed Node.js on your computer, you have to write a .js script that will create and start the server.
- In Node.js you use modules to build your script. A module is the same as a JavaScript library, that are included with the
require() function.
1. I have Node.js (V.8) installed in "E:/nodejs/" directory. For tests, I created in this directory a folder named "test".
2. Now, in the "test" folder (E:/nodejs/test/) I create a file named "server.js" (you can choose any file name), and added the following code (
Click on the code to select it):
//include the http module
const http = require('http');
//define constant for port
const port =8080;
//sets the server
const server = http.createServer((req, res)=> {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type':'text/plain'});
res.write('Hello to me.');
//pass the port to server to listen to
server.listen(port, ()=> {
console.log('Server running at //localhost:'+ port +'/');
- The code tells the computer to write "Hello to me." if anyone (e.g. a web browser) access the computer on port 8080.
3. The Node.js server must be initiated in the "
Command Line Interface" program of your computer.
- To open the command line interface on windows, press the Start button and write "
cmd" in the search field.
4. In the command line interface window I navigate to the folder that contains the Node.js application (E:/nodejs/), then, to initiate the "server.js" script, I write: "
node test/server.js", and hit Enter.
In the command line interface window, node.js displays: "
Server running at //localhost:8080/".
- Now, the computer works as a server.
5. I open the browser, and I type in the address:
- Results:
To simplify the starting of the node.js script, I created a Shorcut for cmd.exe that opens the command line interface directly in the "E:/nodejs" folder. To create this shortcut, follow these steps:
1. Right click on desktop and create New-Shorcut.
2. Browse to "windows/System32/" directory, and select "cmd.exe" file.
3. Once you have created the shortcut for cmd.exe, right click on it, and open
4. In the "
Start in" field add the path to the directory where you installed Node.js.
- When I click that shortcut, the command line interface opens directly in the "E:/nodejs"; then, i just write:
node script_name.js
• To close the Node.js server, press
Ctrl+C in the command line interface window, or just close that cmd window.