Laravel Course

Laravel's database query builder provides a convenient, fluent interface to creating and running database queries.
- It uses PDO parameter binding to protect your application against SQL injection. There is no need to clean strings passed as bindings.


To perform a basic "inner join", you may use the join() method on a query builder instance.
The first argument is the name of the table you need to join to; the remaining arguments specify the relation of the columns for the join.
- You can join to multiple tables in a single query:
$users = DB::table('users')
 ->join('contacts', '', '=', 'contacts.user_id')
 ->join('orders', '', '=', 'orders.user_id')
 ->select('users.*', '', 'orders.price')
- To perform a "left join" query, use the leftJoin() method, in the same way as the join() method.
$users = DB::table('users')
 ->leftJoin('posts', '', '=', 'posts.user_id')


To "union" two queries together, create an initial query and use the union() method to union it with a second query.
$first = DB::table('users')->whereNull('first_name');

$users = DB::table('users')->whereNull('last_name')

- Documentation: Laravel - Database: Query Builder

Daily Test with Code Example

What attribute makes a radio button or checkbox input selected?
checked="checked" selected="selected" disabled="disabled"
<input type="checkbox" name="a_name" value="value" checked="checked" />
What CSS value scales the background image to the largest size contained within the element?
repeat-x contain linear-gradient
#id {
What operator is used to determine the rest of the division of two numbers?
% * /
var rest8_7 = 8 % 7;
Indicate the PHP function that rounds a number up to the next highest integer.
floor() ceil() abs()
$nr = ceil(3.5);
echo $nr;        // 4
MySQL Database, Query Builder: Join and Union

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