The $loop object
Including Sub-Views
Blade template provides convenient shortcuts for common PHP control structures, such as conditional statements and loops.
if Statements
You may construct if statements using the
@if, @elseif, @else, and
@endif directives. These directives function identically to their PHP counterparts.
@if(count($records) === 1)
I have one record.
@elseif(count($records) > 1)
I have 1 records.
I don't have any records.
Check if a session exists
To check in template if a specified session exists, use:
do something with session key
session key dosen't exist
- Or:
do something with session key
session key dosen't exist
@unless and @endunless
@unless is the inverse of
@unless ($condition) is the same as PHP:
You are not signed in.
@isset and @empty
In addition to the conditional directives, the
@isset and
@empty directives may be used as convenient shortcuts for their respective PHP functions:
$records is defined and is not null.
$records is "empty".
Blade provides simple directives for working with PHP's loop:
@for , @foreach , and
@while. They work the same in Blade as they do in PHP:
@for($i=0; $i<8; $i++)
Current value: 0<br>
@foreach($users as $user)
<p>This is user {{ $user->id }}</p>
@while($item = array_pop($items))
{{ $item->fun() }}<br>
@forelse is a
@foreach that allows you to use a callback if the object you’re iterating over is empty.
@forelse($users as $user)
<li>{{ $user->name }}</li>
<p>No users</p>
@continue and @break
When using loops you may also skip the current iteration (with
@continue) or end the loop (with
@foreach($users as $user)
@if($user->type == 1)
<li>{{ $user->name }}</li>
@if($user->nr == 5)
- You may also include the condition directly in the $continue, and $break directives:
@foreach($users as $user)
@continue($user->type == 1)
<li>{{ $user->name }}</li>
@break($user->nr == 5)
The $loop object
When looping, a
$loop object will be available inside of your loop. This object provides a variety of useful properties:
- $loop->index - The index of the current loop iteration (starts at 0).
- $loop->iteration - The current loop iteration (starts at 1).
- $loop->remaining - Number of remaining iterations in loop.
- $loop->count - The total number of items in the array being iterated.
- $loop->first - Whether this is the first iteration through the loop.
- $loop->last - Whether this is the last iteration through the loop.
- $loop->depth - The nesting level of the current loop.
- $loop->parent - When in a nested loop, the parent's loop object.
- Example:
@foreach($users as $user)
This is the first iteration.
This is the last iteration.
<p>This is user {{ $user->id }}</p>
- If you are in a nested loop, you may access the parent loop's
$loop object via the
$loop->parent property:
@foreach($users as $user)
@foreach($user->posts as $post)
This is first iteration of the parent loop.
Including Sub-Views
@include directive allows you to include a Blade view from within another view.
All variables that are available to the parent view will be made available to the included view:
You may also pass an array of extra data to the included view.
Also, it is indicated to use the
@includeIf directive, to avoid errors if the specified view not exist.
@includeIf('sub_view', ['some'=>'data'])
@push and @stack
@push() and
@stack() you can define pieces of template that can be rendered somewhere else in that layout or into an included view.
- This can be particularly useful for specifying any JavaScript libraries required by your child views:
//define push-stacks in scripts.blade.php
<script src="/scripts_1.js"></script>
//other script
To render the contents of a
@push, pass the name to the
@stack() directive:
You can also use
@include() and @stack() with dynamic name:
@includeIf('view_name'. $id)
@stack('script'. $js)
Practical example
1. Copy the following code and save it in a "
resources/views/head.blade.php" file.
{{-- Define two js script push-stacks --}}
<!doctype html>
<html lang="{{app()->getLocale()}}">
<meta charset="utf-8">
2. Copy the following code and save it in a "
resources/views/page.blade.php" file, which includes the '
head' view, and uses a javascript @stack with a variable name in $js.
<div class="content">
{!! $content !!}
@stack('script'. $js)
I used {!! $content !!} statement to use HTML code in $content.
3. Now, we create a controller for pages data.
Add this code in a "
app/Http/Controllers/TestBlade.php" file.
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class TestBlade extends Controller {
//receives the request object, and page ID; returns page view
public function page(Request $request, $id=1){
//define which javascript stak to use (set with @push in 'head' view)
if($id ==1) $js =1;
else if($id <4) $js =2;
else $js ='';
//set array with data to be passed to view() for template
$data =[
'title'=>'Title Page '. $id,
'content'=>'<h3>Content of page'. $id .'</h3>',
return view('page', $data);
4. Now, set up the route for "
/page{id?}" to use the
TestBlade.php controller.
Add the following code in the
routes/web.php file:
//calls page() method of TestBlade controller
Route::get('/page{id?}', 'TestBlade@page')->where('id', '[0-9]*');
5. Visit the following URLs to see the output of the view, and the alert of the javascript script in the used stack according to $id.
- Documentation:
Laravel - Blade Control Structures