Jquery Course

Animate background position
Getting background position

This tutorial shows how to change, animate, and get the position of a background image in HTML elements with jQuery.
If you want to simply set, or change the background position, use this syntax:
$(selector).css({ backgroundPosition: 'Xval Yval' })
- Xval - represents the value for the horizontal position.
- Yval - represents the value for the vertical position.

Examples change background position

1. When click on a button, places the background image in right-bottom.
<style type="text/css">
#idex1 {
 background:url('image.jpg') 0 0 no-repeat;
 border:1px solid blue;
<div id="idex1"></div>
<button id="bex1">Click</button>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
  $('#idex1').css({backgroundPosition: '100% 100%'});


2. When mouse cursor is over an element, center its background image horizontally, and 25 pixels from top. On mouse out, places the background to top-left.
<style type="text/css">
#idex2 {
 background:url('image.jpg') 0 0 no-repeat;
 border:1px solid blue;
<div id="idex2"></div>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
  $(this).css({backgroundPosition: '50% 25px'});
  $(this).css({backgroundPosition: '0 0'});

Demo (place the mouse cursor over the block):

3. When click on a button, alternate the background position, horizontally right and left:
<style type="text/css"><!--
#idex3 {
 background: url('image.jpg') 0 center no-repeat;
 border:1px dashed green;
<div id="idex3"></div>
<button id="bex3">Click</button>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
// https://coursesweb.net
var ix = 1;
$('#bex3').click(function() {
  $('#idex3').css({ 'background-position': (100 * (ix % 2)) +'% 50%' });

Demo (click the button several times):

Animate background position

The easiest way to animate the position of a background image with jQuery, to work across-browsers, is to use the following plugin (Written by Keith Wood - http://keith-wood.name/backgroundPos.html).
1. Copy the following code into a ".js" file (for example, with the name "jquery_backgroundpos.js").

jQuery animate backgroundPosition plugin

(function($){var g=!!$.Tween;if(g){$.Tween.propHooks['backgroundPosition']={get:function(a){return parseBackgroundPosition($(a.elem).css(a.prop))},set:setBackgroundPosition}}
function parseBackgroundPosition(c){var d=(c||'').split(/ /);var e={center:'50%',left:'0%',right:'100%',top:'0%',bottom:'100%'};
var f=function(a){var b=(e[d[a]]||d[a]||'50%').match(/^([+-]=)?([+-]?\d+(\.\d*)?)(.*)$/);d[a]=[b[1],parseFloat(b[2]),b[4]||'px']};if(d.length==1&&$.inArray(d[0],['top','bottom'])>-1){d[1]=d[0];d[0]='50%'}f(0);f(1);return d}
function setBackgroundPosition(a){if(!a.set){initBackgroundPosition(a)}$(a.elem).css('background-position',((a.pos*(a.end[0][1]-a.start[0][1])+a.start[0][1])+a.end[0][2])+' '+((a.pos*(a.end[1][1]-a.start[1][1])+a.start[1][1])+a.end[1][2]))}
function initBackgroundPosition(a){a.start=parseBackgroundPosition($(a.elem).css('backgroundPosition'));a.end=parseBackgroundPosition(a.end);for(var i=0;i<a.end.length;i++){if(a.end[i][0]){a.end[i][1]=a.start[i][1]+(a.end[i][0]=='-='?-1:+1)*a.end[i][1]}}a.set=true}})(jQuery);

2. Include the plugin in your HTML document, after the jQuery library.
<script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery_backgroundpos.js"></script>

3. Invoke the animation on your elements, using this syntax:
$(selector).animate({ backgroundPosition: 'Xval Yval' }, speed);
- The Xval and Yval represent the horizontal and vertical offsets for the background. These may be absolute values (e.g. -100px or 50px), percentages (e.g. -25% or 50%), relative values (e.g. -=200px or +=20%), or named positions (top, left, right, or bottom).
If the vertical offset is omitted it defaults to '50%'.
If no units are specified 'px' is assumed.
- "speed" - is optional, and sets the animation speed ("fast", "slow", or milliseconds).

Code example:

$(selector).animate({backgroundPosition: '-120px 0'}, 1500); 
$(selector).animate({backgroundPosition: '30% -15%'}, 'fast');
$(selector).animate({backgroundPosition: '+=100px -=80px'}, 'slow', 'linear'); 
$(selector).animate({backgroundPosition: 'left bottom'});

Examples Animate background position

1. When click on a button, animate the background image from top-left to right-bottom.
<style type="text/css">
#idex4 {
 background:url('image.jpg') 0 0 no-repeat;
 border:1px solid blue;
<div id="idex4"></div>
<button id="bex4">Click</button>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
  $('#idex4').animate({backgroundPosition: '100% 100%'}, 1500);


2. Alternate the background position, horizontally right and left, with animation effect. Displays a counter with the number of clicks:
<style type="text/css"><!--
#idex5 {
 background: url('image.jpg') 0 center no-repeat;
 border:1px dashed green;
<div id="idex5"></div>
<button id="bex5">Click</button>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
// https://coursesweb.net
var vx = 1;
var nrclicks = 0;        // store the number of clicks
$('#bex5').click(function() {
    backgroundPosition: (100 * (vx % 2)) +'% 50%' }, 'slow', 'linear',
    // function in animate() to increment and displays the number of clicks
      $('#idex5').html('<h4>'+ nrclicks+ '</h4>')

Demo (click the button several times):

Getting background position

To get the background position, you can use the following function.
// Returns object with values for background-position - http://snipplr.com/view/50791/
function getBackgroundPos(obj) {
  var pos = obj.css('background-position');
  if (pos == 'undefined' || pos == null) {
    // for IE, because it doesn`t know background-position
    pos = [obj.css('background-position-x'),obj.css('background-position-y')];
  else {
    pos = pos.split(' ');
  return {
    x: parseFloat(pos[0]),
    xUnit: pos[0].replace(/[0-9-.]/g, ''),
    y: parseFloat(pos[1]),
    yUnit: pos[1].replace(/[0-9-.]/g, '')
This function returns an object with four properties:
      - x - the numeric value of the horizontal position (in IE is converted in pixels).
      - xUnit - the measurement unit of the "x" value (in IE is 'px').
      - y - the numeric value of the vertical position (in IE is converted in pixels).
      - yUnit - the measurement unit of the "y" value (in IE is 'px').

• Using getBackgroundPos() function:
var bgpos = getBackgroundPos($('#id'));
  // bgpos.x
  // bgpos.xUnit
  // bgpos.y
  // bgpos.yUnit

<style type="text/css">
#idex6 {
 background:url('image.jpg') 50% 15% no-repeat;
 border:2px dotted green;
<div id="idex6"></div>
<button id="bex6">Get backgroundPosition</button>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
// function to get background position
function getBackgroundPos(obj) {
  var pos = obj.css('background-position');
  if (pos == 'undefined' || pos == null) {
    // for IE, because it doesn`t know background-position
    pos = [obj.css('background-position-x'),obj.css('background-position-y')];
  else {
    pos = pos.split(' ');
  return {
    x: parseFloat(pos[0]),
    xUnit: pos[0].replace(/[0-9-.]/g, ''),
    y: parseFloat(pos[1]),
    yUnit: pos[1].replace(/[0-9-.]/g, '')

// when click on #bex6
  // gets the object with x/y background-position
  var bgpos = getBackgroundPos($('#idex6'));
  var Xval = bgpos.x + bgpos.xUnit;     // horizontal position
  var Yval = bgpos.y + bgpos.yUnit;     // vertical position

  alert('backgroundPosition: "'+ Xval+ ' '+ Yval+ '"');


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