Jquery Course

This tutorial shows how to get the attribute value of a clicked item with jQuery, any attribute which is added in that HTML tag (id, class, name, title, src, etc.).
- To get the attribute value of an element with jQuery, it is used attr() function.

    - If the "attribute_name" not exists in "element", the attr() function will return "undefined".

To reffer to the clicked element, you use the $(this) instruction, so, the syntax to get the value of an attribute of a clicked HTML element is:
  var attrval = $(this).attr('attribute_name');
Now, here's some code, and examples.

Get attribute value of an element by Class

In this case, the HTML element is selected by "class".
    • Get the ID:
  var id = $(this).attr('id');

    • Get the "title" (for example, of an anchor <a> with specified class):
  var title = $(this).attr('title');

    • Get the "name" (for example, of a form element with specified class):
  var name = $(this).attr('name');

Example, get the ID and SRC address of a clicked image with class="imgs":
Click on this image:
<img src="imgs/webcourses.gif" alt="Courses: coursesweb.net" class="imgs" id="the_id" width="180" height="60" />
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
$(document).ready(function() {
    var idimg = $(this).attr('id');
    var srcimg = $(this).attr('src');
    alert('ID is: '+ idimg+ '\n SRC: '+ srcimg);
Click on this image: Courses: coursesweb.net

Get attribute value of an element by ID

In this case, the HTML element is selected by "id".
    • Get the "class":
  var class = $(this).attr('class');

    • Get the "name" (for example, of a form element with specified "id"):
  var name = $(this).attr('name');

Example, get the "class" and "alt" attributes of a clicked image with id="idimg":
Click on this image:
<img src="imgs/webcourses.gif" alt="Courses: coursesweb.net" class="clsimg" id="idimg" width="180" height="60" />
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
$(document).ready(function() {
    var classimg = $(this).attr('class');
    var altimg = $(this).attr('alt');
    alert('Class: '+ classimg+ '\n Alt: '+ altimg);
Click on this image: Courses: coursesweb.net

Get attribute value of an item selected by Tag-Name

If you want to get the value of an attribute of a clicked item which is selected by Tag Name, you can use these codes:
    • Get the ID of clicked DIV:
  var id = $(this).attr('id');

    • Get the "class" of clicked paragraph (<p>):
  var class = $(this).attr('class');

    • Get the "name" of "input" field:
  var name = $(this).attr('name');

Example, get the "id" and "class" attributes of any clicked DIV:
<div id="idiv" class="clsdiv">Click on this text:<br/>
Free Web Programming Courses - https://coursesweb.net/</div>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
$(document).ready(function() {
    var idd = $(this).attr('id');
    var classdiv = $(this).attr('class');
    alert('ID is: '+ idd+ '\n Class: '+ classdiv);
Click on this text:
Free Web Programming Courses - https://coursesweb.net/

- You can get the value of other attributes too, like "alt", "src" (in <img>), or "rel".

• To get the value of an attribute of any clicked item, use '*' as selector.
      Example, get the ID of any clicked element:
  var id = $(this).attr('id');

• In the same way you can get the attributes value of HTML items on other events, like: mouseover(), focus() .

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Get Attribute (ID, Class, Name, Title, Src) with jQuery

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