Jquery Course

Image Gallery with Thumbnails
Fotorama LightBox

Fotorama is a highly flexible image gallery plugin for jQuery and HTML5, works in both desktop and mobile browsers. It offers multiple options for browsing through the images including: thumbnails, prev-next buttons, swiping, auto-load slideshow or bullet navigation, and images dislayed in lightbox.
The thumbnails can either be prepared or defined manually for maximum quality or the plugin will display a stretched version of the original images.
- The archive with the Fotorama Images Gallery containsd Usage Documentation and Settings, winth lots of Examples and Source Code. jQuery is included in the distribution.

• To DOWNLOAD this script, click: (26 MB).

Examples Fotorama Image Gallery

Here is a few examples images gallery created with Fotorama jQuery plugin.

1. First, to use Fotorama, copy these files on your server: jquery.min.js, fotorama.css, fotorama.js, fotorama.png, fotorama@2x.png, fotorama_lightbox.css, and fotorama_lightbox.js (fotorama_lightbox.css and fotorama_lightbox.js are needed only if you want to show images in LightBox style).
2. Include these files in your web page: jQuery library, the Fotorama jQuery plugin, and Fotorama css file.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="fotorama.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="fotorama.js"></script>
3. Add the images into a <div> with class="fotorama". Then, you just add some speciffied attributes in this Div tag to customize the image gallery, and to set various options.
- The attributes: data-width (in percents), and data-ratio, make fotorama responsive.
- The attributes: data-minwidth, data-maxwidth, data-minheight, and data-maxheight constrain fotorama’s size to a certain range.
- The attributes: alt, width, and height added in <img> tag not influence the image gallery, they are necessary only to have a valid HTML the code.
<div class="fotorama" data-width="100%"  data-ratio="800/600" data-minwidth="400" data-maxwidth="1000" data-minheight="300" data-maxheight="100%">
  <img src="image_1.jpg" alt="Img 1" width="350" height="233" />
  <img src="image_2.jpg" alt="Img 2" width="155" height="232" />
  <img src="image_3.jpg" alt="Img 3" width="310" height="233" />
Img 1 Img 2 Img 3
Image gallery with Thumbnails (adding: data-nav="thumbs"):
<div class="fotorama" data-nav="thumbs" data-width="100%"  data-ratio="800/600" data-minwidth="400" data-maxwidth="1000" data-minheight="300" data-maxheight="100%">
  <img src="image_1.jpg" alt="Img 1" width="350" height="233" />
  <img src="image_2.jpg" alt="Img 2" width="155" height="232" />
  <img src="image_3.jpg" alt="Img 3" width="310" height="233" />
Img 1 Img 2 Img 3
Image gallery displayed in LightBox.
- You need to include these additional files in your HTML document: fotorama_lightbox.css, and fotorama_lightbox.js.
- The DIV with class="fotorama", that contains the images must be added into another DIV with class="thumbs".
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Fotorama LightBox Image Gallery</title>
<meta name="description" content="Resource from https://CoursesWeb.net/ , web programming, development courses" />
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<link  href="fotorama.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="fotorama.js"></script>
<link  href="fotorama_lightbox.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="fotorama_lightbox.js"></script>

<div class="thumbs">
 <div class="fotorama" data-auto="false" data-thumb-width="70" data-thumb-height="47" data-allow-full-screen="true" data-loop="true" data-nav="dots" data-ratio="800/600">
  <img src="image_1.jpg" alt="Img 1" width="640" height="480" />
  <img src="image_2.jpg" alt="Img 2" width="345" height="510" />
  <img src="image_3.jpg" alt="Img 3" width="550" height="415" />

Img 1 Img 2 Img 3

• The Fotorama home page is at: http://fotorama.io/

Daily Test with Code Example

Which tag is used in <table> to create table header cell?
<thead> <th> <td>
  <th>Title 1</th>
  <th>Title 2</th>
Which CSS property sets the distance between lines?
line-height word-spacing margin
.some_class {
  line-height: 150%;
Which function opens a new browser window.
alert() confirm() open()
document.getElementById("id_button").onclick = function(){
Indicate the PHP function that returns an array with names of the files and folders inside a directory.
mkdir() scandir() readdir()
$ar_dir = scandir("dir_name");
Fotorama Image Gallery

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