Javascript Course

A while loop just looks at a short comparison and repeats until the comparison is no longer True.

The while() loop

The while() loops executes a code as long as a condition is True. If the condition starts out as false, the statements won’t execute at all.

- Syntax:
 //code to be executed
var i =0;
 document.write('<br /> i = '+i);
- First it's declared a variable 'i' with the value of 0. The 'while' statement checks the condition (here: i<5), which it's True and permits the execution of block code inside the brackets. The 'i++' increments the value of 'i' and check again the condition. The loop will stop when the 'i' reach 5.

do ... while() loops

The do...while() loop is a variant of the while() loop. First it is executed the block of code, and then it will repeat the loop as long as the specified condition is true.

do {
 //code to be executed
Here is a simple example:
var x = 8;
do {
 document.write('<br> x = '+x);
- This example display 'x = 8'.
As you can notice, although the condition is false (x<5), the code between braces is still executed once.

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While loops

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