Here there is a list with useful properties and methods of the HTML objects that can be used in JS scripts. JavaScript code and examples that you can test directly on this page.
- returns an object with properties 'name', 'value' with the assigned attributes of the corresponding HTML element.<p id='prg1' data-val='some_val'>Example with elm.attributes. This Div contains the following attributes:</p> <blockquote id='resp'>attributes</blockquote> <script> var elm = document.getElementById('prg1'); //gets the attributes of elm var attr = elm.attributes; //parse attr and adds the attributes name=value in resp var resp =''; for(var i=0; i<attr.length; i++) resp += attr[i].name +' = '+ attr[i].value +'<br>'; document.getElementById('resp').innerHTML = resp; </script>
- contains a collection of methods to work with CSS classes of the HTML element.<style> .cls1 { color:#0000ed; } .cls2 { font-size:18px; font-weight:700; } </style> <p id='prg1'>Example with classList. When click on the buttons it is added /deleted css classes on this paragraph.</p> <button id='btn1'>Add cls1 - cls2</button> / <button id='btn2'>Remove cls2</button> <script> var elm = document.getElementById('prg1'); //when click on #btn1 apply classList.add() document.getElementById('btn1').addEventListener('click', (ev)=>{ elm.classList.add('cls1', 'cls2'); }); //when click on #btn2 apply classList.remove() document.getElementById('btn2').addEventListener('click', (ev)=>{ elm.classList.remove('cls2'); }); </script>
- returns the id of the HTML element.<p id='prg1' class='cls1'>This paragraph with class .cls1 has the id:</p> <blockquote id='resp'>Response from JS.</blockquote> <script> var elm = document.querySelector('.cls1'); document.getElementById('resp').innerHTML =; </script>
- returns or replaces the HTML content of 'elm'.<a id='lnk1' href='//' title=''><em></em></a> <ul><li><a href='//' title=''></a></li></ul> <script> var lnk1 = document.getElementById('lnk1'); //gets html content from #lnk1 var cnt = lnk1.innerHTML; //adds another content in lnk1 lnk1.innerHTML ='Content added with <em>innerHTML</em>'; //shows in console the initial content console.log('Initial content in #lnk1: '+ cnt); </script>
- returns the height of the element in pixels.<div style='background:#cce8cc; font-size:17px;' id='dv1'>Ex.: offsetHeight.<br> - The height of this Div: <em id='resp'>elm.offsetHeight</em></div> <script> var elm = document.getElementById('dv1'); document.getElementById('resp').innerHTML = elm.offsetHeight +'px'; </script>
- returns the width of the element, in pixels.<div style='background:#cce8cc; font-size:17px; margin:5px 10%;' id='dv1'>Ex.: offsetWidth.<br> - The width of this Div: <em id='resp'>elm.offsetWidth</em></div> <script> var elm = document.getElementById('dv1'); document.getElementById('resp').innerHTML = elm.offsetWidth +'px'; </script>
- returns a string with the whole HTML element (including its tag and content). Or replaces 'elm' with other HTML content.<h3>Peace, Joy, and Goodness Build Health.</h3> <div>When click on the button, stores it with outerHTML in JS, and deletes it, then it displays in console the retrieved string.</div> <button id='btn1'>Clic</button> <script> //when click on #btn1 it executes a function (ev represents an object with the event) document.getElementById('btn1').addEventListener('click', (ev)=>{ // represents the element that emitted the event var str_btn =; //removes the button =''; console.log(str_btn); }); </script>
- returns the parent element.<div id='dv1'>Example with parentNode <p id='prg1'>The id of the parent element: <strong id='resp'></strong></p> </div> <script> var parent = document.getElementById('prg1').parentNode; document.getElementById('resp').innerHTML =; </script> ='val'
- sets the specified CSS property (cssProp) with the assigned value.<p id='prg1'>Example with<br> CSS style set from JavaScript.</p> <script> var elm = document.getElementById('prg1'); ='#cce9cc'; ='18px'; ='8px 10%'; ='5px'; </script>
- returns the tag name (DIV, P, H3, etc.).<div id='dv1'>Example with tagName.<br> This element is a: <em id='resp'>elm.tagName</em></div> <script> var elm = document.getElementById('dv1'); document.getElementById('resp').innerHTML = elm.tagName; </script>
- returns the text content in the HTML element, without tags (deletes the tags), or replaces the content with a text string.<p>When click on the button: adds in #dv1 a HTML string (with innerHTML), then adds the same string with textContent in #resp.<br> <button id='btn1'>Clic</button></p> <div id='dv1'> #dv1 - innerHTML</div> <blockquote id='resp'>#resp - textContent</blockquote> <script> var str ='<h3>Peace, Joy, and Goodness Build Health</h3>'; //when click on #btn1 it executes a function document.getElementById('btn1').addEventListener('click', (ev)=>{ document.getElementById('dv1').innerHTML = str; document.getElementById('resp').textContent = str; }); </script>
elm.addEventListener('event', callback)
- calls the function from callback when the specified 'event' is emitted.<p id='prg1'>Ex. addEventListener(), click.</p> <button id='btn1'>Clic</button> <script> var callF =(ev)=>{ var cnt = document.getElementById('prg1').textContent; alert(cnt); } //when click on #btn1 se apeleaza functia callF document.getElementById('btn1').addEventListener('click', callF); </script>
elm.insertAdjacentHTML('pos', string)
- inserts HTML content (string) at a specified position (pos) relative to 'elm'.<div id="dv1"> #dv1,</div><br> <p>When click on the button it adds with insertAdjacentHTML() an HTML content before the Div with id #dv1.</p> <button id='btn1'>Click</button> <script> var dv1 = document.getElementById('dv1'); document.getElementById('btn1').addEventListener('click', (ev)=>{ var cnt = '<em> Website: </em>'; dv1.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', cnt); }); </script>
elm.insertAdjacentText('pos', text)
- inserts a 'text' string at a specified position (pos) relative to 'elm'. If the string contains tags, adds them as text as they are.<div id="dv1"> #dv1,</div><br> <p>When click on the button, adds a text string into the Div with id #dv1.</p> <button id='btn1'>Click</button> <script> var dv1 = document.getElementById('dv1'); document.getElementById('btn1').addEventListener('click', (ev)=>{ var cnt = '<em class="cls"> Games </em>'; dv1.insertAdjacentText('beforeend', cnt); }); </script>
- returns the value of the specified attribute.<p id='prg1' data-val='some_val'>Example with getAttribute().<br> - The value of the 'data-val' attribute: <em id='resp'>elm.getAttribute()</em></p> <script> var elm = document.getElementById('prg1'); document.getElementById('resp').innerHTML = elm.getAttribute('data-val'); </script>
- returns True if 'elm' matches the css specified selector, otherwise, False.<div id='dv1'>Ex.: elm.matches(). <p id='prg1' class='pcls'>This paragraph <strong id='resp'>matches()</strong> matches the selector: '#dv1 .pcls'.</p> </div> <script> var elm = document.getElementById('prg1'); //adds in #resp: Yes for True, or NO for False document.getElementById('resp').innerHTML = elm.matches('#dv1 .pcls') ?'Yes' :'NO'; </script>
- returns the first element within the 'elm' that matches the specified group of selectors, or null
if no matches are found.<div id='dv1'> <div id='dv2' class='cls'>Div with id #dv2 and class .cls.</div> <p id='p1' class='cls'>Paragraph with id #p1 and class .cls.</p> </div> <blockquote>The first element in #dv1 with class .cls has the id: <em id='resp'>querySelector()</em></blockquote> <script> var elm = document.getElementById('dv1'); //the first element with .cls in elm var ecls = elm.querySelector('.cls'); //displays the id document.getElementById('resp').innerHTML =' '+; </script>
- returns an array with the HTML elements in 'elm' that match the specified group of selectors.<div id='dv1'> <div id='dv2' class='cls'>Div with id #dv2 and class .cls.</div> <p id='p1' class='cls'>Paragraph with id #p1 and class .cls.</p> </div> <blockquote id='resp'>querySelectorAll()</blockquote> <script> var elm = document.getElementById('dv1'); //array with elements with .cls in elm var ecls = elm.querySelectorAll('.cls'); var resp ='There are '+ ecls.length +' elements in #dv1 with class .cls. Their id:'; //traverses ecls and adds the id in resp for(var i=0; i<ecls.length; i++) resp +='<br>- '+ ecls[i].id; document.getElementById('resp').innerHTML = resp; </script>
- removes the specified attribute.<p id='prg1' style='background:#cce9cc; font-weight:700;'>Example with removeAttribute().<br> - When click on the button it removes the 'style' attribute from this elm.</p> <button id='btn1'>Remove style</button> <script> document.getElementById('btn1').addEventListener('click', (ev)=>{ document.getElementById('prg1').removeAttribute('style'); }); </script>
- scrolls the page until the element gets into the view.<p id='prg1' style='margin:5px 5px 1110px 8px'>Ex.: scrollIntoView().<br> - When click on the button it scrolls (with 'smooth' mode) to the #resp element. <button id='btn1'>Click</button></p> <h3 id='resp' style='margin-bottom;35px;'> - And what, it does not mean anything!</h3> <script> document.getElementById('btn1').addEventListener('click', (ev)=>{ document.getElementById('resp').scrollIntoView({behavior:'smooth'}); }); </script>
elm.setAttribute('attr', 'val')
- sets the specified 'attr' attribute with the value 'val'.<p id='prg1'>Example with setAttribute().<br> - When click on the button, it sets the 'style' attribute with css properties to this elm.</p> <button id='btn1'>Set style</button> <script> document.getElementById('btn1').addEventListener('click', (ev)=>{ var scss ='background:#cce9cc; font-weight:700;'; document.getElementById('prg1').setAttribute('style', scss); }); </script>
A full list with properties and methods of the HTML elements in JavaScript, to MDN: Element - Properties and Methods.
<p>Web development courses: <em></em></p>
h3 { padding: 2px 0.2em; }
// gets first Div with class="cls", and shows its content var elm = document.querySelector("div.cls"); alert(elm.innerHTML);
if(isset($_POST["field"])) { echo $_POST["field"]; }