Here there is a list with useful properties and methods of the document object, with Javascript code and examples.
- returns the <body> HTML element.<h4>width and height of the BODY element</h4> <blockquote id='resp'>width x height</blockquote> <script> var bwidth = document.body.offsetWidth; var bheight = document.body.offsetHeight; document.getElementById('resp').innerHTML = bwidth +'x'+ bheight; </script>
- returns a string with 'nume=valoare' pairs (separated by ; ) with the cookies associated to the current page, or sets the cookie, a string with this format: nume=valoare.<p>- Displays an alert dialog box with cookies associated to this page.</p> <button onclick="alertCookie()">Show cookies</button> <script> document.cookie ='nume1=marplo'; document.cookie = "cookie_2=valoare"; function alertCookie(){ alert(document.cookie); } </script>
- returns an array with the <form> elements in page.<form id='form_1'> <input type='text' value='F-1'/> </form> <form id='form_2'> <input type='text' value='F-2'/> </form> <div id='resp'>document.forms</div> <script> var resp ='Number of forms in page: '+ document.forms.length +', with ides:'; //adds the ids in resp for(var i=0; i<document.forms.length; i++) resp +='<br> - '+document.forms[i].id; document.getElementById('resp').innerHTML = resp; </script>
- returns the <head> element.<div id='dv1'>style added from JS in document.head.</div> <script> //addss in head a style element with css properties document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<style>#dv1{background:#cdf0e0; color:#0000b5; padding:5px;}</style >'); </script>
- returns an array with the <img> elements in page.<img src='/imgs/7.gif' title='Hugs'/><br> <img src='/imgs/smile_gift.png' title='Gift'/> <div id='resp'>document.images</div> <script> var resp ='Number of images in page: '+ document.images.length +', with these src:'; //adds the src address in resp for(var i=0; i<document.images.length; i++) resp +='<br> - '+document.images[i].src; document.getElementById('resp').innerHTML = resp; </script>
- contains an array with all the anchors (<a>) in page.<a href='//' title=''></a> <ul><li><a href='//' title=''></a></li></ul> <div><a href='//' title=''></a></div> <hr> <blockquote id='resp'>document.links</blockquote> <script> var resp ='Number of links in page: '+ document.links.length +', with href:'; //adds href value in resp for(var i=0; i<document.links.length; i++) resp +='<br> - '+document.links[i].href; document.getElementById('resp').innerHTML = resp; </script>
- returns the URI address of the page from which the current page was opened, or an empty string if the page is not opened with a link directly from other page.<blockquote id='resp'>document.referrer</blockquote> <script> var resp ='The page was opened from: '+ document.referrer document.getElementById('resp').innerHTML = resp; </script>
- returns or changes the title of the page (from <title>).<script> var title = document.title; document.write('Titlu:<br>'+ title); //changes the title (see the title in the browser) document.title ='Peace is good'; </script>
- returns a string with the page address.<blockquote id='resp'>URL</blockquote> <script> var resp ='The URL address of this page: '+ document.URL; document.getElementById('resp').innerHTML = resp; </script>
- creates an object with html element specified in the 'tag' argument.<div id='resp'>Reference element</div> <script> // create a Div var newDiv = document.createElement('div'); //adds HTML content newDiv.innerHTML ='Content made with <em>createElement()</em>.'; //the reference object var reper = document.getElementById('resp'); //add the new item in DOM before reper document.body.insertBefore(newDiv, reper); </script>
- returns the HTML element with the specified id.<div id='dv1'>Example with <em>getElementById()</em></div> The content from #dv1 is: <blockquote id='resp'>str</blockquote> <script> //gets the html tag with id dv1 var dv1 = document.getElementById('dv1'); //gets the html content from dv1 var dv1_cnt = dv1.innerHTML; //adds the string from dv1_cnt as text in #resp document.getElementById('resp').textContent = dv1_cnt; </script>
- returns an array with the HTML that have the specified 'class'.<h3 class='cls'>H3 with class='cls'</h3> <div>Div without class.</div> <div class='cls'>Another Div, with class 'cls'</div> <blockquote id='resp'>getElementsByClassName()</blockquote> <script> //array with elements with claas .cls var ecls = document.getElementsByClassName('cls'); document.getElementById('resp').innerHTML ='The first element with class "cls" contains:<br>'+ ecls[0].innerHTML; </script>
- returns an array with HTML elements that have the specified 'name' (in the name attribute).<form name='up'>Form with name 'up'</form> <div name='down'>Div with name 'down'</div> <script> var up_names = document.getElementsByName('up'); console.log(up_names[0].tagName); // FORM </script>
- returneaza an array with HTML elements that have specified 'tag'.<h3 id='id_elm'>Where are two, there is only one two times.</h3> <div>Div, HTML content</div> <h3>Another tag H3</h3> <blockquote id='resp'>Response JS.</blockquote> <script> //array with H3 tags var ar_h3 = document.getElementsByTagName('h3'); //adds in #resp number of H3 tags and id of first H3 if(ar_h3.length >0){ var idh = ar_h3[0].id; //id of 1st item in ar_h3 document.getElementById('resp').innerHTML ='There are '+ ar_h3.length +' H3 tags, the first H3 has id: '+ idh; } </script>
- returns the first element within the document that matches the specified group of selectors, or null if no matches are found.<div id='dv1'> <div id='dv2' class='cls'>Div with id #dv2 and class .cls.</div> <p id='p1' class='cls'>Paragraph with id #p1 and class .cls.</p> </div> <blockquote id='resp'>document.URL</blockquote> <script> //1st item with .cls within #dv1 var elm = document.querySelector('#dv1 .cls'); //displays the id of element from elm. document.getElementById('resp').innerHTML ='First element that matches "#dv1 .cls" has the id: '+; </script>
- returns an array with the elements that match the specified group of CSS selectors.<div id='dv1'> <div id='dv2' class='cls'>Div with id #dv2 and class .cls.</div> <p id='p1' class='cls'>Paragraph with id #p1 and class .cls.</p> </div> <blockquote id='resp'>querySelectorAll()</blockquote> <script> //array with elements with class .cls in #dv1 var elms = document.querySelectorAll('#dv1 .cls'); var resp ='There are '+ elms.length +' elements that match "#dv1 .cls". Their id:'; //traverses the items and adds their id in resp for(var i=0; i<elms.length; i++) resp +='<br>- '+ elms[i].id; document.getElementById('resp').innerHTML = resp; </script>
- writes the string from 'str' in page.<h3>Example document.write()</h3> <script> document.write('Content added with <em>document.write()</em>'); </script>
<p>Web development courses: <em></em></p>
h3 { padding: 2px 0.2em; }
// gets first Div with class="cls", and shows its content var elm = document.querySelector("div.cls"); alert(elm.innerHTML);
if(isset($_POST["field"])) { echo $_POST["field"]; }