List with JavaScript methods of the Date object, useful to work with date and time in JS scripts.
- The Getter gets /reads data from object; the Setter methods sets /redefines datas in object.
- returns the day of the month based on the viewer's local time (1-31).var dt = new Date('Jul 11, 2018 09:25:30'); console.log(dt.getDate()); // 11
- returns the day of the week (0-6).const days =['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']; var dt = new Date('Jul 11, 2018 09:25:30'); let wday = days[dt.getDay()]; console.log(wday); // Wednesday
- the full year based on the viewer's local time (four digits).var dt = new Date('Jul 11, 2018 09:25:30'); console.log(dt.getFullYear()); // 2018
- returns the number of hour, based on the viewer's local time (0-23).var dt = new Date('Jul 11, 2018 09:25:30'); console.log(dt.getHours()); // 9
- the number of milliseconds into the current second in Coordinated Universal Time (0-999).var dt = new Date('Jul 11, 2018 09:25:30'); console.log(dt.getMilliseconds()); // 0
- returns the minutes (from 0-59).var dt = new Date('Jul 11, 2018 09:25:30'); console.log(dt.getMinutes()); // 25
- returns the month (0-11).var dt = new Date('Jul 11, 2018 09:25:30'); console.log(dt.getMonth()); // 6
- returns the seconds (from 0 to 59).var dt = new Date('Jul 11, 2018 09:25:30'); console.log(dt.getSeconds()); // 30
- the number of milliseconds since 1/1/1970.var dt = new Date('Jul 11, 2018 09:25:30'); console.log(dt.getTime()); // 1531290330000
- returns the time difference between GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) and local time (in minutes).var dt = new Date('Jul 11, 2018 09:25:30'); console.log(dt.getTimezoneOffset()); // -180 (-3 ore)
- the day of the month in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) (1-31).var dt = new Date('Jul 11, 2018 09:25:30'); console.log(dt.getUTCDate()); // 11
- returns the day of the week, according to universal time (0-6).const days =['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']; var dt = new Date('Jul 11, 2018 09:25:30'); let wday = days[dt.getUTCDay()]; console.log(wday); // Wednesday
- the full year in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) (four digits).var dt = new Date('Jul 11, 2018 09:25:30'); console.log(dt.getUTCFullYear()); // 2018
- returns the hour, according to universal time (0-23).var dt = new Date('Jul 11, 2018 09:25:30'); console.log(dt.getUTCHours()); // 6
- the number of milliseconds into the current second in Coordinated Universal Time (0-999).var dt = new Date('Jul 11, 2018 09:25:30'); console.log(dt.getUTCMilliseconds()); // 0
- the number of minutes, in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) (0-59).var dt = new Date('Jul 11, 2018 09:25:30'); console.log(dt.getUTCMinutes()); // 25
- the number of months into the current year in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) (0-11).var dt = new Date('Jul 11, 2018 09:25:30'); console.log(dt.getUTCMonth()); // 6
- the number of seconds in Coordinated Universal Time (0-59).var dt = new Date('Jul 11, 2018 09:25:30'); console.log(dt.getUTCSeconds()); // 30
- sets the day of the month for an instance of the Date object (1-31).var dt = new Date('Jul 11, 2018 09:25:30'); dt.setDate(15); console.log(dt.getDate()); // 15
- sets the year, according to local time, and returns the new time in milliseconds.var dt = new Date('Aug 15, 2018 09:25:30'); dt.setFullYear(2019); console.log(dt.getFullYear()); // 2019
- sets the hours for an instance of the Date object (0-23) .var dt = new Date('Aug 15, 2018 09:25:30'); dt.setHours(16); console.log(dt.getHours()); // 16
- sets milliseconds (0-999).var dt = new Date('Aug 15, 2018 09:25:30'); dt.setMilliseconds(234); console.log(dt.getMilliseconds()); // 234
- sets minutes (0-59).var dt = new Date('Aug 15, 2018 09:25:30'); dt.setMinutes(55); console.log(dt.getMinutes()); // 55
- sets the month for an instance of the Date object (from 0-11; 0=January, 1=February).var dt = new Date('Aug 15, 2018 09:25:30'); dt.setMonth(4); console.log(dt.getMonth()); // 4
- sets seconds (0-59).var dt = new Date('Aug 15, 2018 09:25:30'); dt.setSeconds(23); console.log(dt.getSeconds()); // 23
- sets the time (in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, at midnight).var dt = new Date('Aug 15, 2018 09:25:30'); dt.setTime(1541808500 *1000); document.write(dt); // Sat Nov 10 2018 02:08:20 GMT+0200 (GTB Standard Time)
- sets the day of the month, according to universal time (1-31).var dt = new Date('Aug 15, 2018 09:25:30'); dt.setUTCDate(18); console.log(dt.getUTCDate()); // 18
- sets the full year in Coordinated Universal Time (four digits).var dt = new Date('Aug 15, 2018 09:25:30'); dt.setUTCFullYear(2019); console.log(dt.getUTCFullYear()); // 2019
- sets the hour, according to universal time (0-23).var dt = new Date('Aug 15, 2018 09:25:30'); dt.setUTCHours(16); console.log(dt.getUTCHours()); // 16
- sets the milliseconds, according to universal time (0-999).var dt = new Date('Aug 15, 2018 09:25:30'); dt.setUTCMilliseconds(345); console.log(dt.getUTCMilliseconds()); // 345
- sets the minutes, according to universal time (0-59).var dt = new Date('Aug 15, 2018 09:25:30'); dt.setUTCMinutes(22); console.log(dt.getUTCMinutes()); // 22
- sets the month, according to universal time (0-11).var dt = new Date('Aug 15, 2018 09:25:30'); dt.setUTCMonth(8); console.log(dt.getUTCMonth()); // 8
- sets the seconds, according to universal time (0-59).var dt = new Date('Aug 15, 2018 09:25:30'); dt.setUTCSeconds(45); console.log(dt.getUTCSeconds()); // 45
- returns the date portion of a Date object in human readable form in American English: 'Day_name Month Nr_day Year'.var dt = new Date('Jun 20, 2018 13:30:45'); console.log(dt.toDateString()); // Wed Jun 20 2018
- returns a string with the specified Date object.var dt = new Date('Jun 20, 2018 13:30:45'); console.log(dt.toJSON()); // 2018-06-20T10:30:45.000Z
- returns a string that represents the specified Date object.var dt = new Date('Jun 20, 2018 13:30:45'); console.log(dt.toString()); // Wed Jun 20 2018 13:30:45 GMT+0300 (GTB Daylight Time)
- returns the time portion of a Date object.var dt = new Date('Jun 20, 2018 13:30:45'); console.log(dt.toTimeString()); // 13:30:45 GMT+0300 (GTB Daylight Time)
- A list with Date object methods to MDN: Date JavaScript.
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h3 { padding: 2px 0.2em; }
// gets first Div with class="cls", and shows its content var elm = document.querySelector("div.cls"); alert(elm.innerHTML);
if(isset($_POST["field"])) { echo $_POST["field"]; }