Javascript Course

The code snippet presented in this page can be used to add a google map image in web page with the location of the visitor's internet connection, using the geolocation JavaScript object.

Script code

<h4>Example Google Map with Geolocation JavaScript</h4>
<p>Click on this button to show a map with geolocation of your internet connection.</p>

<button id="get_geoloc">Show Geolocation</button>
<div id="geoloc_resp"></div>
function showGeoLoc(){
 var geoloc_resp = document.getElementById('geoloc_resp'); //element to add geolocation response

 //if the browser not support geolocation, show message
 geoloc_resp.innerHTML ='Geolocation is not supported by your browser';

 geoloc_resp.innerHTML ='LOADING...';

 //get latitude and longitude position
 var latt = position.coords.latitude;
 var long = position.coords.longitude;
 var img_size = {w:400, h:350}; //image size

 //add in #geoloc_resp google map image with location
 geoloc_resp.innerHTML ='Latitude is: '+ latt +'<br>Longitude is: '+ long +'<br><img src="'+ latt +','+ long +'&zoom=14&size='+ img_size.w +'x'+ img_size.h +'&markers=color:red|size:mid|'+ latt +','+ long +'" alt="Google map location" width=""'+ img_size.w +'" height="'+ img_size.h +'" />';
 }, function(err){
 //in case or error, show error message and its code
 geoloc_resp.innerHTML ='Unable to retrieve your location.<br>Error code: '+ err.code +'<br>Error message: '+ err.message;

//register click event to button to call showGeoLoc() function
var get_geoloc = document.getElementById('get_geoloc');
if(get_geoloc) get_geoloc.addEventListener('click', showGeoLoc);


Click on this button to show a map with geolocation of your internet connection.

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Show Google Map image with Geolocation JavaScript object

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