Javascript Course

In this page it is presented a function that can be used to get search data from URL address in JavaScript, data added after the '?' character.
The function presented bellow receive the URL address, then returns an object with elements "name: value" formed with the "name=value" pairs from that URL.

Function code:
// Returns an object with elements 'name: value' with data ftom URL (the 'name=value' pairs)
function getDataUrl(url) {
 var url_data = url.match(/\?([^#]*)/i)[1]; // gets the string between '?' and '#'

 // separate the data into an array, in case the are multiple pairs name=value
 var ar_url_data = url_data.split('&');

 // traverse the array, and adds into an object elements name:value
 var data_url = {};
 for(var i=0; i<ar_url_data.length; i++) {
 var ar_val = ar_url_data[i].split('='); // separate name and value from each pair
 data_url[ar_val[0]] = ar_val[1];

 return data_url;

Example of usage getDataUrl() function

<h4>Example getting data from URL query string</h4>
<p>Gets and shows the value of 'name' and 'id' from this URL:<br>

// Returns an object with elements 'name: value' with data ftom URL (the 'name=value' pairs)
function getDataUrl(url) {
 var url_data = url.match(/\?([^#]*)/i)[1]; // gets the string between '?' and '#'

 // separate the data into an array, in case the are multiple pairs name=value
 var ar_url_data = url_data.split('&');

 // traverse the array, and adds into an object elements name:value
 var data_url = {};
 for(var i=0; i<ar_url_data.length; i++) {
 var ar_val = ar_url_data[i].split('='); // separate name and value from each pair
 data_url[ar_val[0]] = ar_val[1];

 return data_url;

// Using getDataUrl()

var url = '//';
var data_url = getDataUrl(url); // gets the object with 'name:value' data
var name =;
var id =;

// test
document.write('name: '+ name +'<br> id: '+ id);
Demo (click on the button):

• You can get the URL address of current page using: window.location . So, if you want to use in your script the URL address of current page, replace in the code above with this code:
var url = window.location;

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Get search data from URL address in JavaScript

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