Functions help organize the various parts of a script into different tasks that must be accomplished.
A function contains code that will be executed by an event or by a call to the function.
A functions can be used more than once within a script to perform its task. Rather than rewriting the entire block of code, you can simply call the function again.
The most basic way to define a function is using the word function
, the name of the function followed by two parentheses (where we can add the parameters) and a pair of curly brackets that contain the code of the function.
function functionName(){ alert('Love yourself; love everyone.'); }The parameters var1, var2, etc. (optionals) are variables for values passed to the function. The brackets { ... } defines the start and end of the function.
var fun1 = function(){ alert('Love yourself; love everyone.'); }
Function names are case sensitive, be sure you use the identical name when you call the function.
The word function must be written in lowercase letters.
var nameVar = function(var1, var2, ...){ //code to be executed }- 'nameVar' is the variable name, and becames the name of the function.
var fun1 = function(){ alert('Love yourself; love everyone.'); }
(that refers to the object of the function).var nameVar = (var1, var2, ...)=>{ //code to be executed }- 'var1, var2' = are function parameters (optionals).
var fun1 = ()=>{ alert('Love yourself; love everyone.'); }
statement is used to specific a value that a function returns when it is called. You place the return statement as the last line of the function before the closing curly bracket.function functionName(var1, var2, ...){ //code to be executed return some_var; }The next function returns the value of a variable 'z' that contain the sum of two parameters (x, y):
function amount(x, y) { var z = x+y; return z; }
<h3 id='hid'>Default text</h3> <script> //adds a HTML string in the element with id #hid function textHid(){ document.getElementById('hid').innerHTML ="<h3>It's always a beautiful day.</h3>"; } //calling the function textHid(); </script>
<h3 id='hid1'>Tag H3</h3> <div id='dv1'>Content Div</div> <script> //adds in the HTML element with the passed 'id' the string from 'str' function addText(id, str){ document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = str; } //calls the function two times with different values addText('hid1', 'JavaScript Tutorial'); addText('dv1', 'Text added by calling the function.'); </script>
<h3 id='sum'>Tag H3</h3> <script> //returns a string with the sum of x and y function sumXY(x, y){ let re = x+y; return 'Sum of x and y is: '+ re; } //gets the value returned by sumXY() let sum1 = sumXY(7, 12); //adds the value of sum1 in #sum1 document.getElementById('sum').innerHTML = sum1; </script>
) outside a function can be changed inside it, and the change (the new value) remains outside it.<div id='dv1'>Content Div</div><br> <div id='dv2'>Value nr</div> <script> var nr =8; //doubles de value of x function setVal(x){ return x*2; } //adds the value returned by setVal() in the html element with passed id //changes the value of nr variable 'nr' function showVal(id){ document.getElementById(id).innerHTML ='Value of "nr" doubled is: '+ setVal(nr); nr =99; } //calls showVal() with the id of a html element showVal('dv1'); //ads the current value of 'nr' in #dv2 document.getElementById('dv2').innerHTML ='The value of "nr" after the change in function is: '+nr; </script>
<div id='dv1'>Div #dv1</div><br> <div id='dv2'>Div #dv2</div> <script> var nr =8; //define a variable 'nr' with the value of x function f1(x){ var nr = x; //adds the value of 'nr' in #dv1 document.getElementById('dv1').innerHTML ='Value of "nr" from function: '+nr; } //calls f1() with a value for nr f1(5); //adds the value of 'nr' in #dv2. external 'nr' isn't modified document.getElementById('dv2').innerHTML ='Value of external "nr" is: '+nr; </script>
<div id='dv1'>Content HTML</div> <script> //in this function is created and used an 'arrow function' function f1(x){ //nested arrow function let f2 =(x)=>{ return 'X doubled is: '+ (x*2); } //if x < 4 adds in #dv1 the result returned by f2() if(x <4) document.getElementById('dv1').innerHTML = f2(x); } f1(3); //trying to call f2(), shows error in browser console f2(3); //ReferenceError: f2 is not defined </script>
' keyword, or like 'arrow functions'.<div id='dv1'>Div #dv1</div><br> <div id='dv2'>Div #dv2</div> <script> //the first argument is an anonymous function, that will be executed by setTimeout() after 2 seconds window.setTimeout( function(){ document.getElementById('dv1').innerHTML ='<h3>Life is Happiness; Be Happy.</h3>'; }, 2000); //the first argument is an anonymous arrow function, executed by setTimeout() after 3 seconds window.setTimeout( ()=>{ document.getElementById('dv2').innerHTML ='<h3>Every day is a wonderful day; Be Happy.</h3>'; }, 3000); </script>
Some content ... <hr /> Content under line ...
h2 { color: #cbdafb; }
var str = "Web courses -"; if(str.indexOf("http://") == -1) alert("http:// isn`t in string"); else alert("http:// is in string");
$str = "apple,banana,melon,pear"; $arr = explode(",", $str); var_export($arr); // array (0=>"apple", 1=>"banana", 2=>"melon", 3=>"pear")