The JavaScript script presented in this page can be used to
display image file in canvas before upload, checking also the file type extension, and image size (width /height) in browser, on client side (
without using Ajax to upload the image).
- To set the maximum allowed width and height, change the values of the
max_size variable (default 800/600).
- This script Does Not upload the image file on server, it just checks the file type and the image sizes in browser, and displays it inside canvas.
To upload the file on server you have to send the form data to a server-side script, see this:
Simple PHP Upload Script.
Script Code
- Click on the code to select it.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Display image file in Canvas and Check its type and size before Upload</title>
html, body {text-align:center;}
#cnv1 {
display: block;
margin: 1em auto;
background: #fdfdfd;
border: 1px solid blue;
#pic1 {
font-weight: 700;
font-size: 18px;
<form action="#" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="file_up" id="file_up" /><br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Upload" id="sbm1">
<div id="pic1"></div>
<canvas width="800" height="600" id="cnv1"></canvas>
var allow_type = ['gif', 'jpg', 'jpe', 'jpeg', 'png']; // allowed images type
var max_size = {width:800, height:600}; // maximum allowed width and height for image to upload
/* Script to Add image file in Canvas and to check it before Upload (from: ) */
var file_up = document.getElementById('file_up'); // input element with file for upload
var cnv1 = document.getElementById('cnv1'); // get the canvas element
// check the extension type; if file-extension in allow_type return true, otherwise false
// file is a string with file path and name
function checkExt(file) {
var ext = file.substring(file.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase();
var re = false;
for(var i=0; i<allow_type.length; i++) {
if(ext == allow_type[i].toLowerCase()) { re = true; break; }
return re;
// to clear the canvas
function clearCanvas() {
var ctx = cnv1.getContext('2d'); // gets reference to canvas context
ctx.beginPath(); // clear existing drawing paths; // store the current transformation matrix
// Use the identity matrix while clearing the canvas
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, cnv1.width, cnv1.height);
ctx.restore(); // restore the transform
// add image img_elm in canvas
function addImgCnv(img_elm) {
if(cnv1.getContext) {
var ctx = cnv1.getContext('2d');
// get a reference to the image, then add it in canvas context
ctx.drawImage(img_elm, 0, 0, img_elm.width, img_elm.height);
// register onchange event to #file_up
file_up.addEventListener('change', function(){
document.getElementById('sbm1').setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); // disable the submit button
clearCanvas(); // clear the canvas context
// check the file type (extension)
if (this.files && this.files[0]&& checkExt(this.value)) {
// create <img> with a blob-url address of the "file", made with createObjectURL()
// Generated URL will be like: blob:http://localhost/7514bc74-65d4-4cf0-a0df-3de016824345
document.getElementById('pic1').innerHTML = 'LOADING...<img src="' + window.URL.createObjectURL(this.files[0]) + '" alt="Image" id="img1" style="display:none" />';
// after the image is loaded
document.getElementById('img1').onload = function(){
// check allowed image width /height
var img1 = document.getElementById('img1');
if(img1.width <= max_size.width && img1.height <= max_size.height) {
addImgCnv(img1); // add image in canvas
document.getElementById('sbm1').removeAttribute('disabled'); // enable the submit button
document.getElementById('pic1').innerHTML = file_up.value.substring(file_up.value.lastIndexOf('/') + 1).substring(file_up.value.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1) +' - Size: '+ img1.width +' / '+ img1.height;
else document.getElementById('pic1').innerHTML = 'The maximum allowed image size is: '+ max_size.width +' / '+ max_size.height;
else document.getElementById('pic1').innerHTML = 'Not allowed file type';
- Demo (Select a file for upload).
Daily Test with Code Example
Which HTML5 tag can be used to embed an external application (SWF, PDF) in web page?
<mark> <embed> <canvas><embed src="flash_game.swf" width="450" height="350" />
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:first-letter :before :first-line#id:first-line {
font-weight: bold;
color: blue;
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Indicate the PHP function used to get the contents of a file or page and store it into a string.
fopen() file_put_contents() file_get_contents()$homepage = file_get_contents("");
echo $homepage;