The JavaScript function presented in this page can be used to
Detect when ScrollBar reaches the bottom of the page.
This function is useful when you want to execute some JavaScript code when the user scrolls till the bottom of page, for example to display another content, making an infinite scroll.
Here is the function, named
whenScrlBottom(). It must be accessed by the "onscroll" event.
// function to detect when scroollbar reaches the bottom of page
var whenScrlBottom = function() {
var win_h = (self.innerHeight) ? self.innerHeight : document.body.clientHeight; // gets window height
// gets current vertical scrollbar position
var scrl_pos = window.pageYOffset ? window.pageYOffset : document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop;
// if scrollbar reaces to bottom
if (document.body.scrollHeight <= (scrl_pos + win_h)) {
// register event on scrollbar
window.onscroll = whenScrlBottom;
Daily Test with Code Example
Which tag is used in <table> to create table header cell?
<thead> <th> <td><table><tr>
<th>Title 1</th>
<th>Title 2</th>
Which CSS property sets the distance between lines?
line-height word-spacing margin.some_class {
line-height: 150%;
Which function opens a new browser window.
alert() confirm() open()document.getElementById("id_button").onclick = function(){"");
Indicate the PHP function that returns an array with names of the files and folders inside a directory.
mkdir() scandir() readdir()$ar_dir = scandir("dir_name");