Javascript Course

In this page it is presented a JavaScript object that can be used to Convert BBCode to HTML and from HTML to BBCode directly in web page, using JavaScript.

Code of BBCode HTML Converter

// JS function to convert BBCode and HTML code - http;//
var BBCodeHTML = function() {
  var me = this;            // stores the object instance
  var token_match = /{[A-Z_]+[0-9]*}/ig;

  // regular expressions for the different bbcode tokens
  var tokens = {
    'URL' : '((?:(?:[a-z][a-z\\d+\\-.]*:\\/{2}(?:(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})+|[0-9.]+|\\[[a-z0-9.]+:[a-z0-9.]+:[a-z0-9.:]+\\])(?::\\d*)?(?:\\/(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})*)*(?:\\?(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@\\/?|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})*)?(?:#(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@\\/?|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})*)?)|(?:www\\.(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})+(?::\\d*)?(?:\\/(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})*)*(?:\\?(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@\\/?|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})*)?(?:#(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@\\/?|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})*)?)))',
    'LINK' : '([a-z0-9\-\./]+[^"\' ]*)',
    'EMAIL' : '((?:[\\w\!\#$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]+\.)*(?:[\\w\!\#$\%\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]|&)+@(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-z0-9]{1}[a-z0-9\-]{0,62}[a-z0-9]{1})|[a-z])\.)+[a-z]{2,6})|(?:\\d{1,3}\.){3}\\d{1,3}(?:\:\\d{1,5})?))',
    'TEXT' : '(.*?)',
    'SIMPLETEXT' : '([a-zA-Z0-9-+.,_ ]+)',
    'INTTEXT' : '([a-zA-Z0-9-+,_. ]+)',
    'IDENTIFIER' : '([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)',
    'COLOR' : '([a-z]+|#[0-9abcdef]+)',
    'NUMBER'  : '([0-9]+)'

  var bbcode_matches = [];        // matches for bbcode to html

  var html_tpls = [];             // html templates for html to bbcode

  var html_matches = [];          // matches for html to bbcode

  var bbcode_tpls = [];           // bbcode templates for bbcode to html

   * Turns a bbcode into a regular rexpression by changing the tokens into
   * their regex form
  var _getRegEx = function(str) {
    var matches = str.match(token_match);
    var nrmatches = matches.length;
    var i = 0;
    var replacement = '';

    if (nrmatches <= 0) {
      return new RegExp(preg_quote(str), 'g');        // no tokens so return the escaped string

    for(; i < nrmatches; i += 1) {
      // Remove {, } and numbers from the token so it can match the
      // keys in tokens
      var token = matches[i].replace(/[{}0-9]/g, '');

      if (tokens[token]) {
        // Escape everything before the token
        replacement += preg_quote(str.substr(0, str.indexOf(matches[i]))) + tokens[token];

        // Remove everything before the end of the token so it can be used
        // with the next token. Doing this so that parts can be escaped
        str = str.substr(str.indexOf(matches[i]) + matches[i].length);

    replacement += preg_quote(str);      // add whatever is left to the string

    return new RegExp(replacement, 'gi');

   * Turns a bbcode template into the replacement form used in regular expressions
   * by turning the tokens in $1, $2, etc.
  var _getTpls = function(str) {
    var matches = str.match(token_match);
    var nrmatches = matches.length;
    var i = 0;
    var replacement = '';
    var positions = {};
    var next_position = 0;

    if (nrmatches <= 0) {
      return str;       // no tokens so return the string

    for(; i < nrmatches; i += 1) {
      // Remove {, } and numbers from the token so it can match the
      // keys in tokens
      var token = matches[i].replace(/[{}0-9]/g, '');
      var position;

      // figure out what $# to use ($1, $2)
      if (positions[matches[i]]) {
        position = positions[matches[i]];         // if the token already has a position then use that
      } else {
        // token doesn't have a position so increment the next position
        // and record this token's position
        next_position += 1;
        position = next_position;
        positions[matches[i]] = position;

      if (tokens[token]) {
        replacement += str.substr(0, str.indexOf(matches[i])) + '$' + position;
        str = str.substr(str.indexOf(matches[i]) + matches[i].length);

    replacement += str;

    return replacement;

   * Adds a bbcode to the list
  me.addBBCode = function(bbcode_match, bbcode_tpl) {
    // add the regular expressions and templates for bbcode to html

    // add the regular expressions and templates for html to bbcode

   * Turns all of the added bbcodes into html
  me.bbcodeToHtml = function(str) {
    var nrbbcmatches = bbcode_matches.length;
    var i = 0;

    for(; i < nrbbcmatches; i += 1) {
      str = str.replace(bbcode_matches[i], html_tpls[i]);

    return str;

   * Turns html into bbcode
  me.htmlToBBCode = function(str) {
    var nrhtmlmatches = html_matches.length;
    var i = 0;

    for(; i < nrhtmlmatches; i += 1) {
      str = str.replace(html_matches[i], bbcode_tpls[i]);

    return str;

   * Quote regular expression characters plus an optional character
   * taken from
  function preg_quote (str, delimiter) {
    return (str + '').replace(new RegExp('[.\\\\+*?\\[\\^\\]$(){}=!<>|:\\' + (delimiter || '') + '-]', 'g'), '\\$&');

  // adds BBCodes and their HTML
  me.addBBCode('[b]{TEXT}[/b]', '<strong>{TEXT}</strong>');
  me.addBBCode('[i]{TEXT}[/i]', '<em>{TEXT}</em>');
  me.addBBCode('[u]{TEXT}[/u]', '<span style="text-decoration:underline;">{TEXT}</span>');
  me.addBBCode('[s]{TEXT}[/s]', '<span style="text-decoration:line-through;">{TEXT}</span>');
  me.addBBCode('[url={URL}]{TEXT}[/url]', '<a href="{URL}" title="link" target="_blank">{TEXT}</a>');
  me.addBBCode('[url]{URL}[/url]', '<a href="{URL}" title="link" target="_blank">{URL}</a>');
  me.addBBCode('[url={LINK}]{TEXT}[/url]', '<a href="{LINK}" title="link" target="_blank">{TEXT}</a>');
  me.addBBCode('[url]{LINK}[/url]', '<a href="{LINK}" title="link" target="_blank">{LINK}</a>');
  me.addBBCode('[img={URL} width={NUMBER1} height={NUMBER2}]{TEXT}[/img]', '<img src="{URL}" width="{NUMBER1}" height="{NUMBER2}" alt="{TEXT}" />');
  me.addBBCode('[img]{URL}[/img]', '<img src="{URL}" alt="{URL}" />');
  me.addBBCode('[img={LINK} width={NUMBER1} height={NUMBER2}]{TEXT}[/img]', '<img src="{LINK}" width="{NUMBER1}" height="{NUMBER2}" alt="{TEXT}" />');
  me.addBBCode('[img]{LINK}[/img]', '<img src="{LINK}" alt="{LINK}" />');
  me.addBBCode('[color=COLOR]{TEXT}[/color]', '<span style="{COLOR}">{TEXT}</span>');
  me.addBBCode('[highlight={COLOR}]{TEXT}[/highlight]', '<span style="background-color:{COLOR}">{TEXT}</span>');
  me.addBBCode('[quote="{TEXT1}"]{TEXT2}[/quote]', '<div class="quote"><cite>{TEXT1}</cite><p>{TEXT2}</p></div>');
  me.addBBCode('[quote]{TEXT}[/quote]', '<cite>{TEXT}</cite>');
  me.addBBCode('[blockquote]{TEXT}[/blockquote]', '<blockquote>{TEXT}</blockquote>');
var bbcodeParser = new BBCodeHTML();       // creates object instance of BBCodeHTML()

How to use

1. Copy the code above into your JavaScript script.
2. To convert BBCode to HTML, use this instruction:
var html = bbcodeParser.bbcodeToHtml('string with BBCode');
3. To convert HTML to BBCode, use this instruction:
var bbcode = bbcodeParser.htmlToBBCode('string with HTML');
- The script can convert these BBCode tags:
- You can add more BBCode tags using this syntax:
bbcodeParser.addBBCode('bbcode syntax', 'html syntax');
• Example adding BBCode tags:
/* Here comes the code of the BBCode-HTML parser */

// adds BBCode tokens for <header> and <div> with ID
bbcodeParser.addBBCode('[header]{TEXT}[/header]', '<header>{TEXT}</header>');
bbcodeParser.addBBCode('[div id="{IDENTIFIER}"]{TEXT}[/div]', '<div id="{IDENTIFIER}">{TEXT2}</div>');

Example usage of this BBCode-HTML converter

- This script converts a string with BBCode into HTML, and another string with HTML tags to BBCode, then, displays two alert windows with the converted strings.
// JS function to convert BBCode and HTML code - http;//
var BBCodeHTML = function() {
  var me = this;            // stores the object instance
  var token_match = /{[A-Z_]+[0-9]*}/ig;

  // regular expressions for the different bbcode tokens
  var tokens = {
    'URL' : '((?:(?:[a-z][a-z\\d+\\-.]*:\\/{2}(?:(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})+|[0-9.]+|\\[[a-z0-9.]+:[a-z0-9.]+:[a-z0-9.:]+\\])(?::\\d*)?(?:\\/(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})*)*(?:\\?(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@\\/?|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})*)?(?:#(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@\\/?|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})*)?)|(?:www\\.(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})+(?::\\d*)?(?:\\/(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})*)*(?:\\?(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@\\/?|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})*)?(?:#(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@\\/?|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})*)?)))',
    'LINK' : '([a-z0-9\-\./]+[^"\' ]*)',
    'EMAIL' : '((?:[\\w\!\#$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]+\.)*(?:[\\w\!\#$\%\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]|&)+@(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-z0-9]{1}[a-z0-9\-]{0,62}[a-z0-9]{1})|[a-z])\.)+[a-z]{2,6})|(?:\\d{1,3}\.){3}\\d{1,3}(?:\:\\d{1,5})?))',
    'TEXT' : '(.*?)',
    'SIMPLETEXT' : '([a-zA-Z0-9-+.,_ ]+)',
    'INTTEXT' : '([a-zA-Z0-9-+,_. ]+)',
    'IDENTIFIER' : '([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)',
    'COLOR' : '([a-z]+|#[0-9abcdef]+)',
    'NUMBER'  : '([0-9]+)'

  var bbcode_matches = [];        // matches for bbcode to html

  var html_tpls = [];             // html templates for html to bbcode

  var html_matches = [];          // matches for html to bbcode

  var bbcode_tpls = [];           // bbcode templates for bbcode to html

   * Turns a bbcode into a regular rexpression by changing the tokens into
   * their regex form
  var _getRegEx = function(str) {
    var matches = str.match(token_match);
    var nrmatches = matches.length;
    var i = 0;
    var replacement = '';

    if (nrmatches <= 0) {
      return new RegExp(preg_quote(str), 'g');        // no tokens so return the escaped string

    for(; i < nrmatches; i += 1) {
      // Remove {, } and numbers from the token so it can match the
      // keys in tokens
      var token = matches[i].replace(/[{}0-9]/g, '');

      if (tokens[token]) {
        // Escape everything before the token
        replacement += preg_quote(str.substr(0, str.indexOf(matches[i]))) + tokens[token];

        // Remove everything before the end of the token so it can be used
        // with the next token. Doing this so that parts can be escaped
        str = str.substr(str.indexOf(matches[i]) + matches[i].length);

    replacement += preg_quote(str);      // add whatever is left to the string

    return new RegExp(replacement, 'gi');

   * Turns a bbcode template into the replacement form used in regular expressions
   * by turning the tokens in $1, $2, etc.
  var _getTpls = function(str) {
    var matches = str.match(token_match);
    var nrmatches = matches.length;
    var i = 0;
    var replacement = '';
    var positions = {};
    var next_position = 0;

    if (nrmatches <= 0) {
      return str;       // no tokens so return the string

    for(; i < nrmatches; i += 1) {
      // Remove {, } and numbers from the token so it can match the
      // keys in tokens
      var token = matches[i].replace(/[{}0-9]/g, '');
      var position;

      // figure out what $# to use ($1, $2)
      if (positions[matches[i]]) {
        position = positions[matches[i]];         // if the token already has a position then use that
      } else {
        // token doesn't have a position so increment the next position
        // and record this token's position
        next_position += 1;
        position = next_position;
        positions[matches[i]] = position;

      if (tokens[token]) {
        replacement += str.substr(0, str.indexOf(matches[i])) + '$' + position;
        str = str.substr(str.indexOf(matches[i]) + matches[i].length);

    replacement += str;

    return replacement;

   * Adds a bbcode to the list
  me.addBBCode = function(bbcode_match, bbcode_tpl) {
    // add the regular expressions and templates for bbcode to html

    // add the regular expressions and templates for html to bbcode

   * Turns all of the added bbcodes into html
  me.bbcodeToHtml = function(str) {
    var nrbbcmatches = bbcode_matches.length;
    var i = 0;

    for(; i < nrbbcmatches; i += 1) {
      str = str.replace(bbcode_matches[i], html_tpls[i]);

    return str;

   * Turns html into bbcode
  me.htmlToBBCode = function(str) {
    var nrhtmlmatches = html_matches.length;
    var i = 0;

    for(; i < nrhtmlmatches; i += 1) {
      str = str.replace(html_matches[i], bbcode_tpls[i]);

    return str;

   * Quote regular expression characters plus an optional character
   * taken from
  function preg_quote (str, delimiter) {
    return (str + '').replace(new RegExp('[.\\\\+*?\\[\\^\\]$(){}=!<>|:\\' + (delimiter || '') + '-]', 'g'), '\\$&');

  // adds BBCodes and their HTML
  me.addBBCode('[b]{TEXT}[/b]', '<strong>{TEXT}</strong>');
  me.addBBCode('[i]{TEXT}[/i]', '<em>{TEXT}</em>');
  me.addBBCode('[u]{TEXT}[/u]', '<span style="text-decoration:underline;">{TEXT}</span>');
  me.addBBCode('[s]{TEXT}[/s]', '<span style="text-decoration:line-through;">{TEXT}</span>');
  me.addBBCode('[url={URL}]{TEXT}[/url]', '<a href="{URL}" title="link" target="_blank">{TEXT}</a>');
  me.addBBCode('[url]{URL}[/url]', '<a href="{URL}" title="link" target="_blank">{URL}</a>');
  me.addBBCode('[url={LINK}]{TEXT}[/url]', '<a href="{LINK}" title="link" target="_blank">{TEXT}</a>');
  me.addBBCode('[url]{LINK}[/url]', '<a href="{LINK}" title="link" target="_blank">{LINK}</a>');
  me.addBBCode('[img={URL} width={NUMBER1} height={NUMBER2}]{TEXT}[/img]', '<img src="{URL}" width="{NUMBER1}" height="{NUMBER2}" alt="{TEXT}" />');
  me.addBBCode('[img]{URL}[/img]', '<img src="{URL}" alt="{URL}" />');
  me.addBBCode('[img={LINK} width={NUMBER1} height={NUMBER2}]{TEXT}[/img]', '<img src="{LINK}" width="{NUMBER1}" height="{NUMBER2}" alt="{TEXT}" />');
  me.addBBCode('[img]{LINK}[/img]', '<img src="{LINK}" alt="{LINK}" />');
  me.addBBCode('[color=COLOR]{TEXT}[/color]', '<span style="{COLOR}">{TEXT}</span>');
  me.addBBCode('[highlight={COLOR}]{TEXT}[/highlight]', '<span style="background-color:{COLOR}">{TEXT}</span>');
  me.addBBCode('[quote="{TEXT1}"]{TEXT2}[/quote]', '<div class="quote"><cite>{TEXT1}</cite><p>{TEXT2}</p></div>');
  me.addBBCode('[quote]{TEXT}[/quote]', '<cite>{TEXT}</cite>');
  me.addBBCode('[blockquote]{TEXT}[/blockquote]', '<blockquote>{TEXT}</blockquote>');
var bbcodeParser = new BBCodeHTML();       // creates object instance of BBCodeHTML()

// Strings with BBCode, and HTML code for test
var str_bb = '[b]Bold[/b], [i][u]Oblique with Underline[/u][/i] , an internal link: [url]/javascript/getelementbyid[/url], and image:  [img= width=191 height=63][/img]';
var str_html = '<strong>Bold</strong>, <em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Oblique with Underline</span></em>, image: <img src="" width="191" height="63" alt="" /> and a link: <a href="" title="link" target="_blank"></a>';

// convert the strings
var get_html = bbcodeParser.bbcodeToHtml(str_bb);
var get_bbcode = bbcodeParser.htmlToBBCode(str_html);

// Test BBCode-HTML converter
- To see the results, click the buttons bellow:
These are the strings:
    var str_bb = '[b]Bold[/b], [i][u]Oblique with Underline[/u][/i] , an internal link: [url]/javascript/getelementbyid[/url], and image: [img= width=191 height=63][/img]';

    var str_html = '<strong>Bold</strong>, <em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Oblique with Underline</span></em>, image: <img src="" width="191" height="63" alt="" /> and a link: <a href="" title="link" target="_blank"></a>';


This BBCode-HTML converter is created using the code from:

Daily Test with Code Example

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<thead> <th> <td>
  <th>Title 1</th>
  <th>Title 2</th>
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line-height word-spacing margin
.some_class {
  line-height: 150%;
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alert() confirm() open()
document.getElementById("id_button").onclick = function(){"");
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Convert BBCode to HTML and HTML to BBCode with JavaScript

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