Javascript Course

classList is a JavaScript property that can be used to work with CSS classes on HTML elements, useful to add, remove, replace and toggle CSS classes on an element. It contains an object list of the class attribute.
- If the class attribute is not set or is empty, the element.classList.length returns 0.

classList Methods

The object contained by the classList property has these methods:

Examples with classList

1. Adds two css classes to a <div>:

var div1 = document.getElementById('div1');
div1.classList.add('cls_1', 'cls_2');

2. Removes a css class from a <div>:

var div1 = document.getElementById('div1');

3. Checks if a <div> contains or not a specified css class:

var div1 = document.getElementById('div1');
if(div1.classList.contains('cls_1')) alert('.cls_1 in #div1');
else alert('.cls_1 not in #div1');

4. Replaces class 'foo' with 'bar':

var div1 = document.getElementById('div1');
div1.classList.replace('foo', 'bar');

5. If 'visible' is set removes it, otherwise add it:

var div1 = document.getElementById('div1');

Daily Test with Code Example

Which tag defines the clickable areas inside the image map?
<map> <img> <area>
<img src="image.jpg" usemap="#map1">
<map name="map1">
  <area shape="rect" coords="9, 120, 56, 149" href="#">
  <area shape="rect" coords="100, 200, 156, 249" href="#">
Which CSS property defines what is done if the content in a box is too big for its defined space?
display overflow position
#id {
  overflow: auto;
Click on the event which is triggered when the mouse is positioned over an object.
onclick onmouseover onmouseout
document.getElementById("id").onmouseover = function(){
  document.write("Have Good Life");
Indicate the PHP variable that contains data added in URL address after the "?" character.
if(isset($_GET["id"])) {
  echo $_GET["id"];
classList - Working with CSS classes

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